I’ve just discovered this calling card recently after reading a poster
advertising rates of 6.9 cents a minute to Malaysia. This is the cheapest
rates I’ve ever seen here. When I first arrived in Melbourne in 2000, the
cheapest I could get is the Apple calling card at 20c per minute. But soon
after that, the market was flooded with a deluge of calling cards and the
lowest price dropped to 18c and then 15c and then 12c and then 9.9c just a
couple of months ago. Regarding this card, it’s called Indo Calling Card
and offers 6.9 cents a minute to Malaysian land lines and 9.9c to mobile
<img src=”http://www.sixthseal.com/archive/August2002/indocc.jpg” border=”0″ height=”162″ width=”252″></p>
There is a green apple logo at the bottom of this calling card, which is
the logo of the Apple calling card. Sure enough, the familiar and very
annoying female voice thanked me for selecting Apple communications. Damn,
that voice is loud and grating. This card also has the Apple calling card
“feature” where you can’t key in the PIN number until the jingle is over.
It’s not a short jingle too…so after a while you do get a bit tired of
having to listen to a loud, grating voice reminding you to enter the
number of the destination you want to dial “fashioned in double oh double
one followed by the country code…”. I can’t complain about the prices
though. 6.9 cents is about as low as you can get.</p>