I am going on a frugality drive this month due to a shortage of funds. I am only left with RM 200 for the remainder of the month (!). Ginny tells me she can survive on RM 2 per day on food (WTF?) and my coworker Karen taught me some sound financial tips to conserve money so that’s what I’m going to do this month.
I dropped by Giant to purchase some groceries to tide me through the month. I will be eating bread for breakfast and dinner this month. Let’s see a breakdown of the items I got:
Sandwich bread 500 grams (store brand): RM 2.29
Nescafe 3-in-1 instant coffee x 2: RM 17.78 (purchase first pack at RM 10.29, second pack goes for RM 7.49)
F&N Rose Cordial 2L: RM 5.49 (it was the same price as the store brand)
Marmalade (store brand): RM 2.99
JW Chocolate & Banana spread: RM 9.89 (it’s the cheapest I could find, Nutella is almost double the price)
I’ve been going for the cheapest products and purchase store brands if I can. However, I was (un)pleasantly surprised when I went to the cashier – I had to fork out RM 38.44. Money doesn’t go that far nowadays…
I’ve calculated the cost per day though, and it’s still cheaper than what I usually spend so it’s worth it.
My breakfast: RM 2.20 (from the bakery across the road where I work)
My lunch: RM 5 – RM 15 (will be cutting down on this starting tomorrow)
My dinner: RM 5.20 – RM 14.50 (depending on whether it’s burgers or nasi kandar)
With my new frugality drive (somewhat related to Project MISER) I have assessed my current spending as such:
Breakfast: RM 0.27 (based on two slices of bread with marmalade with 17 slices in the loaf – inclusive of crust)
Lunch: RM 5 max (will drink air suam)
Dinner: RM 0.54 (four slices of bread with banana Chocolate & Banana spread)
I’m hoping to get through this month with just RM 200 to my name.