Famous Amos
I love Famous Amos cookies…have a fondness for them ever since I
was a kid. There wasn’t any in Sibu at that time, and my dad travels to
KL very frequently so I always get him to buy some back. Much later, a
franchise opened in Kuching, which makes things easier. Anyway, this
200 gram bag of Premium Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan Nut is one of my
favorites. I usually go for this or the Double Chocolate Chip w/ Pecan
Nut. I proudly present to you, the return of the HandCam [sixthseal.com] after more than a year:
*lights* *camera* *action*
Thanks for all your concern everyone, I appreciate all the emails,
SMS, IM’s and phone calls for support. I’m glad the blogger community
is looks out for each other. I’m okay though, and I’m still in a
relationship. π I’ll post again tomorrow, too sleepy right now. Take
care everyone!