Getting methamphetamine in a baggie is…interesting. π Not to bag
(no pun intended) on my contact, he’s a nice guy, but getting powder in
plastic baggies presents a logistical challenge – how to get all of the
powder out. The properties of powder makes it stick to the side of
plastic, so even after I transfer everything into aluminium foil,
there’s still remnants of powder sticking to the sides. Unless you’re
planning to inject (which I’m not – I only insufflate meth) there isn’t
any easy and hygienic way to get the remnants out that I know of. If
you’re wondering, I flooded the baggie with a bit of water, alkalized
my stomach and swallowed the water + remnants of meth. Yeah, I know, I
know, that’s disgusting, I don’t know where that baggie has been etc
etc. π The risk of doing that isn’t really much though, worst I can
get is a stomach ache. My philosophy is – waste not, want not. Does
anyone have any ideas about how to get powder out of a baggie without
the water method? I’ll love to know, and my stomach thanks you in
advance. =D
P/S – This post describes events in the past and all of the substance in question has already been consumed. I am no longer in possession of any illegal substances!