Breakfast food!

I had a rather large breakfast today. πŸ™‚ Well, technically
yesterday, but still…Anyway, I seldom have breakfast and lunch so it
feels good to eat “breakfast food” for a change. Here’s what I had:


The two paper bags contain egg and bacon muffins. The one in plastic
wrap is a chocolate eclair and the strange aluminium wrap thingy hides
three hash browns and two eggs. The dining room cashier thought it
would be hard to carry that many stuff so she helpfully wrapped it in
foil. How nice. Oh, and I did get “Wow, you must be hungry” again. Heh.


That’s the egg and bacon muffin. Mmm…salty.


Hash browns and nicely done eggs. πŸ™‚


Eclair…the cream filling is so nice, it bursts out whenever you take a bite.

Thank God for artificially increased metabolism rates. πŸ˜‰

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