Pictured above is the Kuching cat statue at the start of Jalan
Padungan, complete with Chinese New Year attire. This is one of the
many cat statues in Kuching. The single white furred feline above is
decked with traditional red New Year clothes. It’s Chap Goh Meh, which
means 15th night (of Chinese New Year) today. That means it’s the last
day of the CNY celebrations. I took the photo during my lunch break
just now, the skies are a bit gloomy coz it rained earlier and the
clouds haven’t dissipated.
Anyway, I would not be celebrating Chap Goh Meh because I do not
have any relatives in Kuching. I will however be eating outside
somewhere, but I have to wait for a shipment of furniture at 6 PM. I’m
still waiting word about whether the monitor I want is in stock at
Kings Center…I’ve been without one since I arrived here, so as soon
as I get it, I can make longer posts at home and just cut and paste and
post at work, which is my only source of a net connection.
In other news, initial pharmacy pr0bing (TM) (which is like an anal
probe, aimed at pharmacies) proved unsucessful, but these are just
tentative baby steps. Kuching’s medical care system has yet to
experience the full force of a veritas Shock and Awe campaign, a cringe
inducing term which should have stayed in 2000 where it rightly
belongs. That, of course, is just a flashy phrase for the less
impressive task known as “Desperately Seeking Benzos”. π
Well, as most of you know, I am benzodiazepine dependant, so I need
a stockpile of these things, which explains why I’m probing pharmacies.
I just went to a couple since I don’t really know my way around here
(hell, I just found a Petronas gas station yesterday). Doctor shopping
would be the next option, probably when I’m free like Saturday or
Sunday. Like I said, I need to maintain a steady inventory, it wouldn’t
do to run out – Think Ahead! π
So…does anyone know any pharmacies within a short stretch of road
in Kuching? Real pharmacies, not the overly abundant Mickey Mouse
Pharmacies which only carries OTC stuff and no “restricted”
prescriptions. Any kang tau *cough*, please email information to veritas@castitas.com and he will be very appreciative of the reduced legwork. Pharmaceuticals only ya, no illegal stuff.
Have a nice Chap Goh Meh everyone!