SARBEX 2004: Property

sarbex property

SARBEX 2004 is going into its last day today, so I reckon I should
focus on what SARBEX is all about – property. SARBEX is basically a
property fair. The vast majority of the booths are taken up by housing
developers showing a variety of apartments, gated communities and so

santubong suites

There are premium condos and exclusive retreats like Santubong
Suites, which bills itself as “an exclusive condominium precinct for
those who appreciates the finer aspects of life”.

santubong condo model

How would you like to live here?

detached house

The above shows a model detached house with it’s model roof taken
off so you can see what’s inside. There are a lot of to-scale models
being displayed – you know, the kind that’s just begging you to touch
it. Naturally, the exhibitors recognize this as a threat and most of
them are kept under glass. πŸ˜‰

bb semariang

There are some large commercial developers here too…like this
Bandar Baru Semariang booth, which encompasses several normal sized
booths and is re-decorated nicely to give it an elegant look.

bb semariang inside

Bandar Baru Semariang is a commercial cum housing development. There are shop lots and residential settings on offer here.

bb semariang semid

This is one of the semi-detached houses in Bandar Baru Semariang.
It’s starting from RM 299,888. That’s a 99 year lease though. I love
the attention to details in the models – look at the cars, the road,
the porch, the garden, the pillars supporting the structure…it’s

my office

You know what I’ll really like though? An office…with lots of people working in it.

my conference

There’ll be a conference room, where we can have inane discussions to while away the time…

my place

…and when I’m not in meetings, I’ll be sitting here in my cushy
office, surfing the net, updating the blog, watching movies/TV

Now, that’s the life!

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