Cheesecake from Hotel Equatorial.
Today is TGIF, the monthly meeting at XM Malaysia. I will not be
talking about that though because its work related. However, I’ll like
to extend my apologies to Jarrod Chua for not remembering his name. We
have this “name the person” thing and I know everyone’s name from
Technical, Creative, Project Management, Account Management and Jit,
Bob and Yusnita but unfortunately not the Finance Administration
people. Oops. Anyway, there was also a celebration for Jemay, Prem and
Rashidin and here are the photos from that:
The candles on the cake being lighted.
Rashidin blowing out the candles. To his right is Jemay and Prem is on his left.
Prem cutting the cake.
Apparently, I’m the resident photographer of XM Malaysia now. π