I went to 99 during the weekend and I saw two things that greatly impacted my outlook towards the meaning of life.
There was the cell phone with the most accessories for one…the
sheer audacity of the wanton accessorization of this cell phone had me
speechless for the most part of an hour. There are various trinkets on
it as well as a Buddhist amulet.
I also accidentally took a photo of Jesus Christ. The Savior of Man
is alive! He was seen holding a can of beer, presumably to understand
this beverage that wasn’t available in the days of wine and bread in
which he lived in. We postulate that he was trying to understand
civilization in this day and age…so there you have it. WWJD @ 99
(What Would Jesus Do at Ninety Nine).
He would get a beer, that’s what.
Jesus Christ…what a question to ask. π