I was having lunch at McDonald’s today when I noticed this large
poster at a newsagent advertising the Powerball draw for tomorrow
(well, technically today) which is for A$20 million. Powerball is a
national lottery which runs into the high millions about once a year. I
think. I’ve only bought it once, and that was about two years ago. A
couple of us went past the Tattslotto agent at the campus center after
finishing the final exam for the semester and saw the draw for A$30
million. We each bought one and we were discussing the things we could
do with that kind of money over dinner. Heh.
Well, I also got a ticket today, and in the unlikely event that I
win the A$20 million, well…hmm…well, I don’t know what I’ll do with the
money, but I’ll do something with it. Probably fly to Amsterdam and
have coffee in one of those coffee shops I keep on hearing about. I
think that’s what they do in coffee shops over there anyway. Drink
coffee, that is. I hear they have some really good coffee with unusual
names like White Widow, Purple Haze and Durban Poison. Nothing beats
having a good coffee and snacking on something healthy like mushrooms.
Anyway, today was a really warm day as well. There was a lot of
smoke too, from the bushfires still burning in country Victoria. This
photo was taken at Richmond station. The heat only dissipated an hour
ago, according to this
[theage.com.au]. Good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight to
finish up my Industrial Experience stuff for tomorrow. I wouldn’t have
been able to sleep anyway.