Wine Cellar – Ambassadors of Fine Wine

wine cellar

Wine Cellar is a dubbed as the Ambassadors of Fine Wine and they rightly deserve the title. The place has a vast selection of wines and runs regular seminars and wine tasting sessions. These people are very passionate about wine, and it shows. 

wine cellar seminar

I spent an evening there with Nicole having dinner at Tasting Room (review upcoming) and attended a wine tasting seminar entitled “How to bluff your way through Bordeaux” conducted by Ron. I love the unpretentious presentation and they seem eager to share their knowledge about wine. 

wine cellar nicole

The wine tasting seminar showcases the two types of Bordeaux wines and how to differentiate them. My palate is less than sensitive so I’m probably the worst person to be attending a wine appreciation session but I do like wine, being the tipple of choice after distilled spirits. πŸ˜‰ 

wine cellar afterparty

The Wine Cellar people are very down to earth and I spent an enjoyable night talking to them and drinking wine after the Chelsea match. It was at some point during the night that someone suggested Nasi Lemak Ganja (so called due to the spicy sambal, not the addition of cannabis, much to my disappointment ;)) for supper. 

nasi lemak famous

Regina drove down to the stall, which is actually called Nasi Lemak FAMOUS… 

regina chicken

…and choose several pieces of chicken for our nasi lemak. 

nasi lemak prepare

The proprietor ended up making 12 packs of nasi lemak for take away. Heh! 

nasi lemak ganja

We adjourned back to Wine Cellar and had the Nasi Lemak Ganja together with some wine and port. It actually goes quite well with the more flavorful port. 


This is Lindsay… 

me lindsay

…and the obligatory XX Chromosome pose. πŸ˜‰ 

wine cellar group

Thanks for a great night people! I was quite inebriated when I ended up at Grace’s apartment and passed out, rather than slept. πŸ˜‰

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