I received a Pos Malaysia Pos Ekspres (Next Day Delivery) package in
the mail today from Mr. Lim in Langkawi. He was kind enough to send me
cigarettes for review purposes. Thanks Mr. Lim! π
I was puzzled regarding the initial content of the packaging at
first (having been on the receiving end of several items of *cough*
dubious nature in the past) but since it did not come with an entourage
of police, I decided it was safe to open the package up. π
Peel – Menthol Orange and Fisher Lights
are two of the cigarettes that Mr. Lim sent me. He’s also the
distributor of DJ Mix cigarettes in Malaysia and can be contacted at limmalaysia@gmail.com
[gmail.com] for the people who’re interested in obtaining the entire DJ
Mix range of cigarettes. He has a real brick and mortar shop in
Langkawi and has sold the DJ Mix line to people overseas and inside
Malaysia from the sixthseal.com comment queries in the past.
…and no, Mr. Lim, there’s no commission for this. sixthseal.com is a pure community oriented site. π
P/S – Future new cigarettes for review purposes would be much appreciated though. π
Legal disclaimer: sixthseal.com cannot be held legally responsible for third party transactions.