I just got this postcard in the mail from Jasmine
[blogspot.com]. It has a cannabis plant on the front with the text
“Cannabis will get you through times of no money better than money will
get you through times of no cannabis.” Lovely! π
I would very much agree with this statement – except for one burning
(no pun intended) question…what happens when you get the munchies???
What am I going to eat without money? Grass? (pun not intended…ok,
maybe this one is ;))
Here’s what the back of the postcard says:
Dear Huai Bin,
Greetings from UK! When I saw this postcard, somehow thought of you.
Perhaps of veritas? Took me this long to send it to you coz was waiting
for your address.
Anyway, hope you like it. Take care.
She has a nice signature! It only took 4 days to get from Oxford
Mail Center to Kuching, which is the fastest routing I’ve ever seen. I
like the disclaimer in Fine Print (TM) at the back too. It goes
“Pyramid (the publisher) does not advocate, support or encourage the
use of illegal or recreational drugs.”. Heh. It’s a disclaimer worthy
of veritas, who does not support or encourage the use of illicit drugs
either…he only glamorizes it. π
It’s a joke. Laugh. :p
Thanks Jasmine! You know what I like best. π
Jasmine is the very first person to link sixthseal.com on her blog.
Here’s a new and related post on castitas.com:
Cannabis in Kuching, Sarawak [castitas.com]