The incriminating Episode 6

This is the episode I have been dreading. Cherie (my ex-girlfriend) came on set and gave the lowdown on how she met me.

I WANT TO GO ON RECORD HERE! That is not how I remember meeting her. T_T 

cherie 2005

The photo above was taken when we first met – Cherie is the one in green. This post describes the event leading up to when I first met Cherie and it does not involve toilets, washrooms, water closets or latrines. None. Nada. Zilch. 

tgif me jojo

I wish Jojo and Michael would just run amok with the editing scissors and cut out the majority of the stuff. Heh! We did a couple of takes and there were things said which can best be described as uncomplimentary. πŸ˜‰ 

tgif cherie

However, there were some good things said too, which didn’t go into the final episode. Can we have an outtakes episode? :p 

tgif shoot

This episode was fun to do coz I had a (more than) a couple of beers while shooting the scene. You see, there’s this thing called “scene continuity” so if you mess up a scene but took a sip (or a gulp) from your freshly opened beer while at it, you’ll need a new one so it doesn’t look weird. 

tgif start

This means you have to finish the current bottle. FML. πŸ˜‰ 

tgif jojo

It was a good scene though, I like this one coz Cherie knows me well. I guess you can say that we’ve been through a lot together – it’s a chemical romance with its ups and downs but at the end, it’s nice that we can still be friends and say “Hey, when it was good, it was great right?” πŸ™‚

Here are the other episodes that I haven’t posted up:

Episode 5

Episode 4

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