Well, the end of the year is upon us again and I just have one New Year’s resolution:
Don’t buy durians at the same time you get your laundry and leave them in the car!
I did that while grocery shopping just now and after a (not insignificant) pause, I decided to go for a quick one, grabbing items off the shelves.
Yup, my newly laundered clothes were saturated with the smell of the King of Fruits.
Seriously though, I really have just one New Year’s resolution:
I’m going to give my life to God and let Him lead me
I’ve decided that I’m not going to sweat the small stuff and see where He wants me to go in 2013. I’m sure there’s a bigger plan for me and I will totally submit myself to it. I also have a few issues that I need His help in resolving but the main thing is to listen to that guiding voice and be nice to people (even if they’re not nice to me, but that’s the point innit? ).
Happy New Year’s Eve everyone and drive safe tonight! π