The rather grueling Project Alpha shoot is over! Here are the Twitpic tweets I’ve sent in while filming on set in chronological order:
Project Alpha
Makeup. I haz it.
Noooo. My eyebrows!
Lights, camera, action!
Lunch break.
So. Many. Takes.
Fun but tiring day. Still more.
Full day shooting!
It’s a wrap for today! π
I’m cast but still a glamour tag. π
Ze press is here!
I’m going to eat fire in 10 min.
Getting makeup done now.
If you don’t hear from me later it means I died
I am alive!
Final shoot. Here with @cheesie
@cheesie before her scene.
Make up artists. Very important.
How come I can never do this by myself?
Does the cast eat the props? Yes!
My second last scene. Drinking Part 1.
@timothytiah and @fourfeetnine at the wrap party
Have to be sober for my drinking shoot in 2 hours
Need to drink all. Fucking lethal.
It’s a fucking wrap! Drinking Moet.
It is a wrap for Project Alpha. π