I’ve always believed in carrying a digicam with me at all times, coz you never know when a Kodak Moment (TM) will present itself. I have never gone wanting since I usually purchase compact digicams which I can slip into my pants. I’ve had a bulky “prosumer” digital camera in the past, but lugged it around with me everywhere I go anyway (with a tenacity that would probably put most jihadists to shame)
I still maintain this practice (old habits die hard) but for some reason I left my dSLR in my car today.
Murphy’s Law kicked into effect just now and I found myself in the presence of a young, nubile girl (OMG, did I write that out loud?) blowing bubbles from a bathtub.
I had to take the photos and video using my crappy cell phone.
/kicks self.
Must. Carry. dSLR. At. All. Times.