I’m feeling rather pan because I’ve got heaps of assignments due and finals are on the 10th
of July and I’ve been really slack this semester. Arrrrgggggghhhhhh *runs around in circles* It
will feel good when all this is over and I pass all my subjects. It will be better if I get credits
coz pass doesn’t look really good on paper. Well…going to head off to the library later to borrow
some more books. I feel that I need to study every second of the day now if I hope to pass all my
subjects. I’m not worried about Unix Programming, Systems Design and Documents Imaging, but Java
and C++ is giving me a bit of trouble. Hmph. Oh well, at least I slept from 4 pm till 2 am last
night, so I’m all ready to hit the books. Libraries are mysterious places, don’t you think. Every
time I walk into a library, I feel like something weird and mystical is going to happen. Like
behind every shelf of books there is a time portal all ready to transport an unsuspecting library
goer to the 14th century. I did discuss this issue with my friend and he said that it’s probably
coz I don’t go to libraries much. It seems that the mysterious-ness disappears after you go to
libraries for a while. Hmm…must be something about the smell of old books. Possibilities!
The books I checked out from the library the day before. Lugging them back was no mean feat, I
tell you.
Days till I get my digital camera: 4