Well, I’ve decided to start doing this from now on. It’s a list of five questions for bloggers
to answer. It comes out every Friday, and I suspect that’s why it’s called the Friday Five [fridayfive.org].
1. …sent a handwritten letter? I send cards and letters to my girlfriend all the time
when I’m in Melbourne, so I’ll say about a month ago. I used to have heaps of pen pals when I was
in high school too, but I seem to have lost touch with all of them. I still remember I had a
gymnast pen pal called Su Yen. Still remember Joanne Lim, Daniel and Ting Chuan? Of course you both
do. π
2. …baked something from scratch or made something by hand? I baked a raspberry mud cake
with my girlfriend last week. She did most of the work, but I, uh…helped to open the packs and
stuff. And I carried out the oven and beater from the store room. Heh. Of course, I helped to eat
it too. What can I say? South Korea vs Italy was on. I would have done my share of the baking
3. …camped in a tent? I think it was in 1997. It was before the SPM exams and a group of
us camped on the school grounds. It was very fun, we managed to do a mini human pyramid. Pretty
impressive considering none of us have done that before. I had my driving test the next day too, I
ended up not sleeping and went to the test quite blur. I did manage to pass it though. Here’s a
couple of photos from that camp.
Standing (from left): Sing Choon, Huai Bin (me), Yi Ching, Adrian
Not standing (from left): ?, Yee Sing, Ung Hing, Teck Heng, Ting Chuan, ?
I have forgotten why my shirt is in such a sorry state.
I apologize for subjecting your eyes to this photo. π Heh. I’m the one with the yellow briefs
partially showing (the last one). This was taken as we were about to go into formation for the
human pyramid.
I’m the one at the top. Tied my shirt to my back for that Superman feeling. I had to hold my
hands out to balance myself because Ting Chuan (who was supporting me) kept on laughing for some
reason. Heh. Just seconds after this photo was taken we broke formation (we lost balance). Fun days
indeed. I shall leave out mention on whether any alcoholic beverages were consumed prior to this
attempt because this was on school property.
4. …volunteered your time to church, school, or community? I helped Wesley Methodist
Church to type in a list of the members into an Access database in 2000. Pretty gnarly work. It
wasn’t all altruistic though, I was more interested in compiling a personal list of, uh…the
better looking members of the congregation. Heh.
5. …helped a stranger? Hmm…I gave A$ 2 to a woman who approached me and my friend
outside Melbourne Central Station about two months ago. She claimed she needs to buy diapers for
her baby and she was pushing a pram. I had just left St Francis church, I went for their
Easter Mass, and was feeling pretty good, so I gave her some coins even though I highly doubt her
story. Does that count?
Link: fridayfive.org

Many thanks for the great posting. I am glad I have taken the time to see this.
Many thanks for the great posting. I am glad I have taken the time to see this.
Thank you for the great content. I am glad I have taken the time to see this.
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I like when you talk about this type of stuff in your blog. Perhaps could you continue to do this?
Wow, this is very fun to read. Have you ever considered submitting articles to magazines?
Excellent information here. This interesting post made me smile. Maybe if you throw in a couple of pics it will make the whole thing more interesting.
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