Dragging my feet to hit the streets tonight, to drive along this shit town
I need a haircut badly. I feel like I’m wearing a furry hat on my head. It
really is that thick and heavy, but unfortunately I don’t have time to get
a haircut until the weekend. The thing is, I need to take a bath after a
haircut coz I cannot stand those short hair bits trying to crawl down my
neck and have their way with my chest and back. Thus, I have to put aside
about 2 hours if I want to get a haircut, and I’ll rather sleep than wake
up early to get a haircut. So, I’ve decided to wait until the weekends
before I get my much needed haircut. I hate the way it pokes into my eyes
and feels all heavy on my head. Hmph.
Link of the day:
Quaoar FAQ [caltech.edu] (maintained by one of the co-discoverers)