Guess where I’m going tomorrow? Okay, you don’t have to guess, just click here
[]. I got the tickets on a whim today after seeing that Anna
Kournikova will be playing tomorrow. She’ll be up against Justine
Henin-Hardenne and honestly, I don’t expect her to win, but it’ll be
fun to watch anyway. The tournament schedule hasn’t been posted as of
now, so I don’t know when she’ll be playing. I hope it’s not late as I
don’t want to camp there the whole day. I have recharged my digicam’s
batteries and I hope I’ll be able to get some good pics posted by
tomorrow. π
Anyway, my walkthrough went pretty well. I didn’t sleep yesterday to
finish my stuff for the walkthrough, so I’m feeling pretty tired right
about now. Which is okay I guess, I’m planning to go to sleep at 6 pm
and wake up at 6 am (gotta compensate for last night) and that will
give me enough time to be at the gates when they open at 9 am. I don’t
have my usual summer semester class today because the subject I’m
taking runs for 3 weeks, which gives a total of 15 days, and a usual
semester only runs for 13 lectures and tutes. Thus, I have today, next
Tuesday and next Thursday free. Hooray for that, because even though
I’m not sleepy yet (had enough caffeine to kill a small horse) I don’t
think I’ll be raring to go to class anyway.