I just received a letter from The International Library of Photography
[picture.com] today. I had submitted a photo a couple of months ago
after being told about this contest by Daniel (I owe you dinner buddy).
Well, what do you know, they told me they’re going to publish my photo
in their upcoming anthology “Forever in a Moment” and they’ve
automatically entered me into the semi-finalists of the People category
in the International Open Amateur Photography Contest.
Unfortunately, I still have to buy the book (well I don’t have to, my photo will be included into the book regardless of whether I buy it or not, but I’ll want
to), albeit at the “contributor’s special pre-publication price” which
is still US $69.95. Apparently the regular price is US $89.95. It’s one
of those coffee table books, thus the price. It’s still very pricey
though, I’ve personally never paid A$140 or RM 265.81 for a
non-academic book before. I guess there is a first time for everything.
Oh well, at least they said “your photograph was selected for
publication because of its unique perspective and your artistic vision”.
Yes, I am easy to please. =D