Photo Friday – Symmetry []
Symmetry. This photo was taken yesterday night at around 10 pm at
the ground floor of Central Market in Sibu, Sarawak (Malaysia). It
shows rows upon rows of symmetrical stalls – selling anything from
fresh vegetables to meat products, all wrapped up in tarps and other
coverings in preparation for an early dawn opening.
The shooting data:
Focal Length: 8mm
Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern 1/23.5 sec – f/2.8
Exposure Compensation: 0 EV
Sensitivity: Auto
White Balance: Auto
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation Compensation: 0
The post-production work was done in Photoshop 7.0 and involves:
Image Size: Size reduced from 2048×1536 to 500×375