Project MISER RM 250

project miser

Project MISER (Minimum Income Self Encouraged Rations) RM 250 is a project I’ve self initiated to see if I can survive on just RM 250 alone in the month of September, 2006. The RM 250 (about USD 66) has got to cover my expenses for:

Gasoline (Petrol)
Food and drinks
Cell phone calls
Nights out

And so forth, but NOT:

Other fixed miscellaneous bills like utilities.

The aim of this project is to determine whether I can survive on just minimum wage for food and gas and nights out (probably would have to ask some people to buy me lunch, that’s admissible) for this month.

…and also coz I’m fucking broke after moving and a large purchase. I even had to borrow the RM 250 from Cherie to take a photo with my cell phone! πŸ™

Things that are admissible include people buying me food (which is kinda essential to the whole idea), company reimbursements for things like toll booths and so forth.

There is no existing food stock but there’s a carton of duty free cigarettes.

That being said; let the games begin. =D

Seed fund: RM 250


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