McDonald's SEGA 3 video games – TAILS SKY ADVENTURE

tails sky adventure

McDonald’s came out with the 3rd iteration of their McDonald’s / SEGA video game franchise partnership and this time it’s free with every purchase of a Happy Meal. I collected the first McDonald’s / SEGA collaboration [] as well as SEGA 2 [ and I wasn’t about to miss the third.

tails sky adventure game

TAILS SKY ADVENTURE is the first electronic game in the Sega 3 series and David was kind enough to get it for me while I was in the hospital (it was the very last set). It came with a Cheeseburger and Corn Happy Meal if that interests you, which I don’t think it does. 😉

tails sky adventure man

The manual is printed like the previous iterations of the McDonald’s / SEGA collaboration – it’s a single sheet of paper with instructions on how to play the game – in this case TAILS SKY ADVENTURE, a Sonic franchise character.

tails sky adventure clamshell

TAILS SKY ADVENTURE opens up like a clamshell phone to reveal the game which has two directional buttons and an action button. The premise of the game is to shoot down rogue squadrons by moving left and right and pressing the button while navigating TAILS to victory.

tails sky adventure screen

Here is a screenshot of the action – it’s a little harder than the previous games, or perhaps I’ve just lost a lot of my hand eye coordination from the benzos and antipsychotics I’m taking coz I couldn’t even finish it after the sixth attempt!

Bring down the enemy ships! Good luck!


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63 thoughts on “McDonald's SEGA 3 video games – TAILS SKY ADVENTURE”

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