FedEx Cookies from Rene in Singapore

rene fedex

I got a call from the office telling me that a package has arrived for me from Singapore from Rene. I went to the office to pick it up before going to the airport coz it contained cookies and I wanted to eat them. 😉

rene gift

It just took a couple of days for the package to be sent from Singapore to Kuching, Malaysia. It was declared “non-perishable” and a “personal gift” so perhaps that’s why it cleared customs so rapidly.

rene open

I couldn’t wait until I got to Sibu to sample the cookies to I called Rene to thank her for the package and opened it up. There are five (5) containers of her home made chocolate chip cookies in various wonderfully decorated tins.

rene england

I took one of the tins and opened it up…

rene cookies

…to reveal Rene’s home made chocolate chip cookies!

rene chocolate chip cookies

It tastes delicious!

rene newmans

…and she also threw in a box of Newman’s Caramel Thins (a non-perishable) for good measure.

rene writing

Thanks a lot Rene! The cookies are delicious!


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