KL Trip Day 2: Nicole Tan and Chelsea Asia Tour 2008


I was busy with the preparations for my sister’s wedding for most of the day before Nicole texted me and asked if I was free for dinner. She was the one who wrote the rather alarming article about me in The Star and now that the fallout is (or seem to be) relatively over, I wanted an autographed copy of the column. Heh!

me nicole

Well, in all fairness, it really wasn’t her fault coz I consented to the interview but the headline was a bit on the sensationalist side. Nicole is a really nice person in real life, we had dinner at Tasting Room in Bangsar and polished off a couple of bottles of wine. The full review of Tasting Room wine bistro will be in a separate post.

driving nicole

Anyway, at some point during the night, it was decided that we were to drive down to Shah Alam and catch the Chelsea – Malaysia friendly match after all. Nicole wanted me to drive her car down (!). I was a little shocked and awed by her faith in my driving skillz, especially with the number of collisions I have under my belt and the two bottles of wine plus several other glasses during a tasting session in me.

me driving

I did find it quite amusing that I’m actually qualified to be a designated driver – I’m probably the worst candidate for that. I’m also secretly honored by Nicole’s faith in me driving her car down to Shah Alam, so I put on my best Sober Expression (TM), and took the 1 hour drive down to the Shah Alam Stadium. I noticed that she did take precautions to fasten her seat belt though. πŸ˜‰

nicole car

I didn’t quite know my way around KL and Shah Alam so Nicole was giving directions from the passenger seat while Grace slept at the back. It took us a little more than an hour to arrive due to traffic congestion and the poor road signs to the stadium where Chelsea was playing. I also remembered missing an exit three (3) times in a row due to my inebriated state and having to make a long U turn back only to miss it again.

chelsea tour

Shah Alam Stadium was packed full of Chelsea (and the odd Malaysia) fans and I had a ticket in addition to the five (5) I gave out in the Heineken Chelsea contest so I decided to go in and take a couple of photos and videos.


The stadium at full capacity.

second goal

Chelsea scores the second goal of the match. 2-0.


Snack vendor catering to the crowd.


Frenzy – the minority Malaysia team supporters lamenting a missed opportunity.

final score

Final score: 2-0 to Chelsea.

Watch the video of the Chelsea Malaysia friendly match. This is the Chelsea Asia Tour 2008 – Malaysia event.

The girls weren’t keen on going in due to the crowd and I couldn’t find the other bloggers so I left after a bit to drive back to KL. I heard the score was 2-0 to Chelsea when we headed back to Wine Cellar to have some more to drink. More about that in another post. Cheers!

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23 thoughts on “KL Trip Day 2: Nicole Tan and Chelsea Asia Tour 2008”

  1. Ow that’s Nicole. Isn’t she Kenny Sia’s girlfriend or one of his girlfriends? So you better watch out. No touchy touchy okay?

  2. xoxoxo: wrong nicole, dude.
    hb: hehe. i think when it comes to deciding the designated driver between me and you, i’d definitely still pick me as the safer choice hands-down. despite the number of accident i’ve been in myself. =P

  3. ok so I guess you can add Nicole to the list of the cutest females on your blog lol and you could see chelsea play thats cool too Ballack is the best πŸ˜›
    On a sidenote … I’m coming to malaysia next year HAH!

  4. not bad for M’sia fc at least did not get thrashed so badly hehe
    Irene: LOL every time you mention about driving, it always reminds me of the time the argument you and jenny had when driving because you wanted to use the toilet

  5. XOXOXO: Hmm…I don’t know. It’s none of my business anyway, so I don’t really care.
    Simon Seow: Yeah, it’s a great place. They have this instant wine aging contraption that I saw on Nicole’s blog and wanted to try ever since. I went up to drinking a 60 year old wine (from the future). Heh!
    Irene: Heh! Okay, what if you had to pick between me and Cherie as the designated driver? Who would you choose? πŸ˜‰
    We’re all so accident prone (to use an euphemism).
    MI!: I actually have a HUGE XX Chromosome category dating from 2002 until now. It’s just a bit messed up right now coz of the downtime sixthseal.com experienced while I was in rehab and the lack of a proper backup. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, at least I did manage to socialize a bit despite the preparations I have to do for my sister’s wedding. πŸ˜‰
    Welcome to Malaysia (in advance).
    Clare: Yeah, I did. I told her Clare says Hi when I met her that day in Tasting Room. πŸ™‚
    Darren: I think since it’s a friendly, Chelsea didn’t really go all out either. πŸ™‚
    I was expecting 3-1 for the match.
    (=’.’=): The stadium was seriously packed. Full capacity!

  6. (envy, envy)…..dude, I’m now in the state of depression. Previously, cheesie. And now Nicole. I’m gonna hang myself….*choking neck with tie*.
    And oh yes!! Really kesian nic after going thru her blog. Is she ok after all those negative criticisms? They got the nerve to blabber rubbish but no balls to put in their real names….damn assholes!!

  7. on that fateful evening, i was at a pub with 3 other MU fans, and we ptoooi-ed all evening. We ended the night with ramblings of how Scolari should be paying us to go watch the game at Shah Alam.

  8. geek: I’m just glad I didn’t crash the car. πŸ˜‰
    Irene: Hey, I’m insulted. I think I have better drunk driving skillz from my training okay? πŸ˜‰
    calvin: Yeah, that’s the thing about anonymous comments. I used to get a lot of those too. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I think most bloggers just get used to it.
    essentric: Heh! Yeah, well, it was a friendly match so you kinda expect a less than competitive environment. πŸ™‚

  9. There she is, Miss Nicole with her fake lashes, heavy eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow, as HOT as EVER!
    Dude, u’re such a lucky guy to bitch around with some hot chix!
    *salute. =_=

  10. The Bull: Wine Cellar post coming up today and The Tasting Room wine bistro is going to be up as well. Cheers buddy! πŸ™‚
    suituapui: She’s a few years younger than me. πŸ™‚
    Cokelatrawkz: Heh! Thanks. I wanted to meet up with her to get a copy of The Star article. πŸ™‚

  11. Must have had too many social activities and late nights! Oops…but you stay up late too, Huai Bin, and yet you look 17!!! Chesh! This world’s so unfair hor! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  12. suituapui: It’s gonna catch up to me, I swear…
    I’m starting to look older already. Gotta take care of myself now. More face masks! More eye gel! More liquor! πŸ˜‰
    Tom: Haha! Classic, mate. πŸ™‚


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