Snooze is evil. It must be punished. I planned to wake up at 4 am this morning to do my MDG 2 post and a very long Valentine’s Day Mist writeup but I pressed the snooze function and the next thing I know it’s 6:30 am. (!)
Snooze is a disease. Don’t take the risk. Change your lifestyle to avoid snooze. Contact your doctor for more information.

1st thing 1st, waking up at 4am is always impossible, no matter how loud the alarm sound & even if the snooze function never appears on phone. π
Haha! I don’t use snooze function, I set 3-4 consequent alarms to wake me up. But my procastinating mind always tell me, it’s okay, still got another alarm, can sleep a little bit more.. and it goes.. tup tup.. end up waking up late!
haha, so the next time u want to wake at 4, u should set at 2am… haha, this is what I normally do snooze 1 hour ahead… haha
Agree completely! I missed the first strike of Earth 2025 for my alliance (Paradigm) because I snoozed. Ended up being an hour late. π
totally agree with you…but its not me who put the hp to snooze, its my bf and it always wakes me up instead of him…snooze definitely kills
Snooze is better than stop. I remember pressed stop on Monday that I missed my class for waking up late T_T
Haaha.. that frequently happens to me too. Yea, snooze definitely kills!
I want to see the pierce thru~ π
Lolx…nice picture!! hahas
haha, at least u still managed to wake up.. i once pressed the snooze button and then, i had to skip work!!!
it just happen to me this morning! I was supposed to wake up at 530 A.M to study , but I had it snoozed and next thing I know, it was already 1030am!
Sleep earlier lo…what to do??too tired edi how to wake up?
snooze is fatal…..but ppl still snooze…lol! same like…drug is deadly still ppl take it…! anyway u darn hard working eiii, wake up 4 am to write post…..salute dude!!!!
2.5 hours difference? wow. salute. huai bin is just another human slave to the snooze.
Snooze button is a killer.
u need regular sleeping and waking times to set your biological clock properly. after that, you don’t really need the so called man-made alarm clock.
I beg to disagree, HB, at least in part. Got out today and did a lot of stuff, then came home, put supper in the slow cooker, and realaized I did not have any where to go, no one I had to see, nothing to do. I turned off the tv, put down the books, took off my glasses and went sound asleep in a chair. For three whole hours. Undisturbed. It was great. When a friend came by, I awoke hungry, neediing to pee, disoriented, and HAPPY. Connie is much better, and so am I. Thanks HB, for your prayer. Last job I was working, as supervisor, lateness used to be a pet peeve of mine, I guess cause I used to be late all the time when I was younger, or miss days (when it it is a nice spring day, perfect for a picnic lunch, who the hell wants to work?) and I can’t do it myself any more. Many thanks. Hope all is well.
God Bless, HB. Tom
neslon – not with his lifestyle, LOL.
Oowh..please don’t stab your phone just yet. I’ll love to have it. π
I’m so tired from work I really need to crash now. Reply comments tomorrow. Night all.
Well if you like to sleep in that different but going to work to earn money got to train yourself to get out of bed on time. Look at life now glad to have good job and see it everyday special
that reminds me of yesterday I was supposed to get up at 6am and i snooze three time until it was 7am -_-”’