I remember Anglia Shandy as my very first “adult” drink. I used to watch with no small amount of envy at my older cousins drinking beer and eating peanuts during our large extended family reunions. This was back when my paternal grandfather was still six feet instead of six feet under. π
My dad never allowed me to partake in the amber fluid although he conceded a can of the distinctive Anglia Shandy one fine day. I was ecstatic! I can finally sit down with my cousins and uncles and drink an “adult drink” while eating peanuts.
I have a secret though…
I never liked peanuts. I still don’t.
However, I loved Anglia Shandy. It wasn’t bitter to my virgin taste buds due to the lemonade mixture and the ultra low alcohol content. I can still remember with fond nostalgia the day I became a man (at least in my youthful mind).
I also remember reasoning with my dad the following year that drinking beer (5%) and Anglia Shandy (less than 1%) is similar. I wanted to drink real beer with my cousins. The logic I offered was that drinking 1/5 of a can of beer real slow is equivalent to a can of shandy. I picked up that a shandy is a combination of beer and lemonade from the can and put forth my argument, but that’s a story for another day.
I’ve grown to prefer the taste of malt and hops in regular beer but just like how you never forget your first love, I’ve never forgotten about Anglia Shandy. I heard they came out with a new flavor, which I have yet to check out so I went to the nearest 7Eleven and got a couple of cans of my rite-of-passage drink.
I wanted to get reacquainted with my first taste of the original Anglia Shandy before that though. It was just as I remembered it. It foams with a head like beer but it’s refreshing like lemonade.
The new Anglia Apple is infused with a hint of apple to give this classic drink a twist. I like the taste, and the nifty new packaging wouldn’t look out of place in Shinjuku.
(cue segue)
Anglia is having a tie-in with The Shinjuku Incident starring Jackie Chan and Daniel Wu. The movie is set for a special premiere on the 1st of April. Anglia is also offering you (yes, you, quit staring at the guy behind) a chance to win movie passes, premiere tickets and up-close-and-personal invites to meet Jackie Chan and Daniel Wu!
No, this is not an April Fool’s joke!
There is a game on the Anglia site called Escape the Yakuza (the Japanese Mafia, for the uninitiated). You need to cabut from the well-dressed and suited up thugs with missing pinky fingers and generally avoid capture. Oh, and you need to dodge projectiles and weapons thrown by the good people who follow the Bushido code too.
The longer you outrun the Yakuza, the more points you will accumulate. Jackie Chan will open up a can of whoop ass if the obstacles slow you down. You need to watch out for the Anglia Love icon too. Jump up and grab it to gain additional points. The player with the highest point wins!
It’s quite easy really, but I’ll give you some pointless pointers anyway coz I love doing that. π
You need to score higher than these people to win.
Top 10 Winners
Each winner gets 5x premier tickets + 2x up close and personal passes to meet the cast (!).
50 Consolation Winners
2x movie passes
If you’re a fan of Jackie Chan or Daniel Wu (or both) I bet you’ll be interested in the up-close-and-personal “Meet the Cast” pass, so get your gaming gloves on and snag the Grand Prize! This is for the PRIVATE session where only winners can attend.
If you did not win, fear not, there is also a public “Meet the Fans” session where you get the chance to see the cast live on the 31st of March 2009. It’s going to be held at Pavilion KL (Bukit Bintang entrance) at 7 pm so be there or be square (or oval)!
On a separate (foot)note, you can’t actually drink beer or even the classic Anglia Shandy (due to the distinctive color) at work. However, the new Anglia Apple is a whole different shade (pardon the pun) altogether. It’s relatively new so no one knows you’re partaking in the office…
…er, until now that is.
Oh well, if you get fired, you’ll have more time to concentrate on winning the game. Surf over to the Anglia website to play. π

the only alcoholic drink i take is shandy and cider… and many of us only get to have a taste of shandy during cny… i miss those days…
hope that your car repair turn out good. safe drive the next time when you’re on the road ya, if not your bank account can’t take it π
Lol it is always funny to hear how people started to drink alcohol
and it is always cool to see that alcohol producing firms are doing something for the youth really heart warming isnt it π
but i have to say I dont like beer with apple
I prefer the tequilla beer mix… (i always drank that when i was younger)
when i was younger i always said to my parents that it is only a beer mix drink, but in fact it has around the same amount as beer, so yeah i tricked them
today i prefer beer or some real drinks
I’m from sibu, too. Anglia Shandy is also the first alcoholic drink i tasted when I was age 8 at a Datuk’s house during CNY. π
I wish to meet you.LOL!
seems like you’re a fun going guy!
cindy khor: Cider, I used to drink a lot of that when I was in NZ. It gives me acid reflux now, just like white wine. :S
Thanks Cindy! I will be safer on the roads now. π
shadowking: The Anglia Apple tastes surprisingly good, a twist on the classic Anglia Shandy. I liked it. π
michelle: Yeah, I started drinking shandy at an early age too. I still remember that. π
You’re from Sibu eh? No problem, we can meet when I go back to Sibu. π
well i cant know… I never tried Anglia… I didnt even know it exists…
not really accessible here
I only know V+ Apple and that one tastes like pure sugar and totally fake and totally chemical and i dont like it
I played the game! So hard leh… the stupid guy always kena stabbed or kena belasah π but mevermind I shall try playing again!!!!
do the choking game, i do its fun, make a vid of it
yea I’m from Sibu π
shadowking: Anglia is the leading brand over here. In fact, it was the only readily available brand when I was a kid. π
Yiling: Haha! The stupid guy is supposed to be Jackie Chan. You have to leap earlier for the obstacles and duck down when they throw things. Don’t worry about being slowed down, JC (not Jesus Christ, Jackie Chan) will just open up a can of whoop ass and you’ll be back in front. π
pm: The choking game? I’ll rather do a waterboarding video. I’ve been planning that since last year but have not met someone with the balls to do it to me AND that I trust as well. π
michelle: Hello there! Then we shall meet up when I go back to Sibu. π
It’s actually quite abit harder to play than I thought!
yalah the game damn hard! i played so many times but still kena belasah and lose T_T
I don’t like the new flavour TBH, the original one is still pwn.
do u pass out with waterboarding? u do with the choking game n then feel real good when u wake up also u can do it alone if u dont trust n e 1 like in this vid for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4bv4jnDQs&feature=related
I remember shandys from many years ago, when I was 10 or eleven, in Bristol, England. What, no refererence Ginger Beer? I have come full circle now, and just like a little beer or cider each evening. no bourbon, brandy, vodka, etc… just dont care for it anymore. My real craving is for… can you believe it… ice cream.
Dude, do you notice Foochow accented English would be ” Seveng Eleveng” instead of Seven Eleven?
another example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHcMsfdfxbg&NR=1
another example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHcMsfdfxbg&NR=1
apple, ohh i love apple. should try the anglia apple.
Unfortunately Shandy is not halal and I can’t drink it in my office! The game is really difficult la but I want to see Daniel Wu!!! Huai Bin, if you win, share your tickets puleaseeee….
I drank Shandy at a very early age too hahaha.. Think most ppl start with tat.
Quoting u: The new Anglia Apple is infused with a hint of apple to give this classic drink a twist.
Sure won’t drunk one compared to Absolut Pears. LOL. Is the bottle still in ur Vios’ backseat floor?
I hated shandy and still don’t drink them now. But i have gotta say that’s everyone’s “adult” drink. Hehe. I think beer tasted better than shandy. Shandy is quite tasteless in a way. Have you tried Tsingtao -the china beer ? It tasted a lot like shandy too but has 5% alco.
Huai Bin: OHhh i see
yeah those drinks you drink when you are a child always stick in your mind
the first time i got “drunk” well for that time it was drunk XD hope you get what i mean
anyway i drank V+ curuba dunno how much really
but a friend of mine (he drank a little more) puked so much into another friends garden π
chefmel over here in the states tsingtao is consider expensive high quality beer, it’s like 8 dollars for a six pack. its overrated beer in my opinion.
as a child my first alcohol beverage was pabst blue ribbon or it was stag beer, i don’t remember, but i do remember the first time i shot heroin of my ass with a rocket launcher woweeeeeee
please stand up; please stand up! *huai bin mesti suka ad ni.. haha!
Oops I commented under Yiling’s name! Lol
KY: Yeah, perhaps 10 years ago I would have been able to, but not with my 27 year old reflexes. π
aud: Me too, I’ve only completed a run once. π
ShaolinTiger: Yeah, the original one is the best, probably coz (for me) it was my first alcoholic drink.
pm: Yeah, I know the passout game. Never appealed to me. I want to something a bit more hardcore. π
tom Robison: Yeah, I actually started drinking shandy at a very young age too. π
I’m partial to beer or liquor right now, more of the latter.
Ice cream? Everyone craves ice cream. π
e: Heh! Yeah, and Lambo for Rambo. π
pm: Yup, I know how the passout game works. π
Myhorng: It’s not too bad, but if you grew up drinking the original you’ll probably prefer that. π
Yiling/Eiling: I can’t drink it in my office too. It was just a photo. Haha! I don’t think anyone can actually drink in the office, unless they’re the boss or something. Oh wait, I could two jobs ago. That boss was great, he didn’t care about what I do as long as I get the job done. π
Can, if I win, I definately invite you. π
ruby: Yeah, most of us did that.
Joyce: Yeah, it is. π
I haven’t cleaned my car since…before Chinese New Year.
chefmel: Yup, I’ve had that. Tsingtao tastes pretty much like water to me. π
shadowking: I remember the first drink I got drunk on – Bacardi neat from the bottle when I was 15. π
WEEN: The stuff is quite cheap here. Not heroin, the beer. π
Jade Zheng: Haha! Yeah, definately. π
eiling: No worries! π