The National Kidney Foundation provides dialysis treatment for everyone at a huge discount. That’s just part of what they do, but most people associate them with this. I will need to have access to dialysis treatment in the near future – I kinda messed up my kidneys and had to undergo an emergency dialysis back in 2006.
I have seen first-hand how the NKF operates, and understand how charities like the NKF require public support to function. My donations in the past have always gone to organizations that I believe in – harm reduction groups sees the bulk of my philanthropy, with Erowid being my favorite group (it’s even tax deductible in the US). On the local front, I tend to support NKF, for obvious reasons.
It’s hard to take care of others in the current economic climate. I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t been contributing much in the past few years. Common excuses:
Donate??? Crazy ah? In the current economic crisis?
Sorry lah…I just got retrenched and I have a family to support.
I don’t even have enough money for myself…
The Love to Save campaign runs for the entire month of June – just click on the charity of your choice and DiGi will donate RM 5 per click, on your behalf. You don’t even have to fork out a single sen!
More of an animal person? Love taking care of the underprivileged? You can also choose to support the following charities:
SPCA Selangor
Malaysian Nature Society
Borneo Conservation Trust
Global Environment Centre
National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
IJN Foundation
Hospis Malaysia
Malaysian AIDS Foundation
MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)
National Council for the Blind Malaysia
Malaysian Council for Child Welfare
Women’s Aid Organization
National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia
Persatuan Kebajikan HOPE worldwide Kuala Lumpur
You can also setup your own personal group and promote it using the various social networking tools – Facebook, Twitter, or your own blog. You can even set your MSN status to display the code and append signatures like the one above to your emails!
I created an NKF group to spread the word among friends and coworkers. I was pleasantly surprised by the speed and ease of registration. It just takes a couple of clicks to reach the registration page, which only requires my email address, age group and the name of my group. Nice!
I verified my email and the group is good to go after that. The Dashboard is where you go to grab your group link and banners for use in Facebook or as email signatures. You can also keep track of how your group is doing.
The world would be a better place if everyone takes a breather from the rat race and think about others. You too, can make a difference – click on the banner above and enter your email address. DiGi will contribute RM 5 towards the cause with just that one click! Go on, donate with DiGi’s money. You know you want to. ๐

i support too, Malaysia natural society
Have done it!
raymond: Great! ๐
eiling: Thanks eiling! ๐
Cheers to all the 17 other people who took the time to click and enter your email address and validate too. ๐
Good call Huai bin. I kinda screwed up my kidneys with IV cocaine use. Last test was ~50 GFR and 1.51 creatine ng/dl levels. That was closer to my previous binges. This coke left bruises all over my arm, IV site, the vein all the way up the arm etc. Who knows what was in it. I had minimal flank pain, but very dark urine. The more recent (no IV coke use) test left me with ~90GFR which is much much better. ~ 30gfr is time to think about dialysis and ~15gfr is dialysis or die and maybe kidney transplant time. I recently saw a nephrologist who stopped me from taking ibuprofin/mobic due to the taxing effects on the kidneys. I have been in more pain (my back) without the NSAIDS but that just leaves more room for opiate rxes; thereby continuing my one TRUE addiction, opiates. Such is life. I hope all is well with your kidneys man.
My grandma is now undergo dialysis under NKF, so, i will donate, for sure =)
I’m done too! ๐ Great thing.. I love DIGI!
this kind of charity is totally cool, i mean, no need to fork out any money and we could help charity?? ok, i’ll go check the website out, will be back in a few minutes ;P
Done it earlier!!
Great idea HB. There are lots of things you can do to help your community without forking over cash donations – in many cases it’s more effective to give your time rather than cash – things like donating blood are easy to do and serve a very real and pressing need. Kudos to you and to Digi for your work with the NKF. Good on ya!
I done it too. I vote for MAKNA.
well done HB . . .u da man . . . .just kau tim on FB and hopefully more ppl will join the cause. . .if all DIGI wants is our e mail addy , so be it
( sorry about that, ther was a lightning stike here)have only had a few attacks of kidney stones. But belive me, MY experience with this terrible disease has rid me of any taste for steak and kidney pie. To be graphic, for those unfamiliar, say you got up this morning, ( or night) and want to pee. but nothing comes out. Your body is literally floating in the toxins that are normally processed. So you are hooked up and every bit of your blood is run through a filter. every third day. Donate? Hell yeah, my brother, to eradicate this problem. Whish I could help more. you are too good to lose. Hang tough, HB. My prayers ( no joke) are with you.
Sorry, HB, the first half ot the message did not get transmitted, due to a thunderstorm. But my brother and dad both died of kidney failure, and having a bad liver myself, ( transpant bad) due to years of excess( my own fault) I kinda know what you are up against. But I eat healthy ( most times) and try to limit my alcohol ( not very sucsessfully all the time). My mother donated a kidney to my brother, but it did not take. ( that was the stone age, I guess, back it the early 70’s, before the age of immunosuppresant drugs like cyclosporin. So yes, I will donate, Locally I guess, but pray globally,but specifically for YOU, my friend.
one of the most meaningful post i’ve ever read!!!im currently on dialysis myself and i really need to work my a*s off to pay for my treatment as i cant qualify for the subsidy…my kidney fail due to some virus infection(told by the doc) which i’m not so sure about but it really hit the jackpot for me and here i am needing dialysis 3times per week…anyway HB, you’re doin a great job here in posting this infor…God bless you in everything!
and NonGZ
is that yr neck?! :O
You can have one my kidneys, they’re only partially fucked up!
Heh! Thanks for the offer mate. It’s a one way death sentence though, transplants are risky and they hardly last more than 10 years. That is why I’ve been putting off that despite being on the transplant list (which I won’t be eligable yet for God knows how long). ๐
Okay, rest of the comments later…just woke up, going for some food.
Mike: Hey, sorry to hear that. It seems that IDUs have a high incidence of renal failure…I wonder if that’s coz the shit we inject goes straight into the bloodstream. I wish you well, my friend.
shaoweii: Thanks mate! ๐
Shirley Snow: Thanks Shirley! ๐
sylvia: Thanks Sylvia! ๐
cindy khor: Yeah, it’s a pretty awesome concept eh? Just furnish your email add for accountability and DiGi donates instead. ๐
cwee: Good for ya mate. ๐
Jhnhth: Yeah! Nowadays time is at a premium so it’s difficult to get people to commit into voluntering for charity.
Choonie: Nice! ๐
foodcrazee: Cheers mate, appreciate it! ๐
tom robinson: Thanks, my friend. Yeah, most people think donor organs are easy – they’re not, you’ll have to take immunosuppresant drugs for the rest of your lives, there is a high chance of rejection, and it doesn’t last that long to boot.
Jade Zheng: Yeah…it happened in 2006. ๐
why did u delete my comment
well, shit , HB there were never any garuntees, when we first got here. At age 49, I feel lucky to be alive, ( in ’98 ( age 38) I was told I had only 60 days to live And I was pretty damn sick). People around here bitch and moan, but back then, all I wanted was to walk again. I am out of a job, now, but consider myself fortunate to have met you and many others ( via internet) and feel I have made a bunch of friends. It matters not your financial status. ( Belive it or not, ( yeah I know “ripleys”) a college freind, who was like brother to me( drank hard) just recently called and appoligised. Now HE is short of breath, HIS feet swell up and has to watch his diet! and has liver problems. Finanncialy, he is worth about 100 times what I am. I cautioned him to no avail. Tough shit. And to think I almost died, Hb. Vindication? No. I would spare my worst foe the junk I have been through, on both sides of the fence. PS, I am O +. A good thing, I guess. Common to about 80 percent of people. I do give blood. Maybe I can one day donate my bone marrow to research. Shit, I will not be using it. But until then, I plan to keep on using it my self. Keep getting beter, HB.
Tom Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time ๐ Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time ๐
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