I love this chest X-ray. Pretty nifty eh? I don’t have a light box so I improvised with my window. Check out how my nipple piercings show through. =D
Project Alpha Episode 2 is out!
I finally remember why I’m so rigid in the episode – I was sitting precariously on a stone and couldn’t really move or risk falling down. T_T
I’ll post up behind the scenes photos soon!
Okay, gotta go, just received a BBM on my Xpax BB for breakfast!

hello there!! i saw your two video clips by projectalpha. I respect you for being so honest and frank. You seems like a nice person π
ROFL .. Farnee ..
i don’t know cute is the right adjective to use π
No visitors at all?!! I would’ve thought visitors are allowed every now and then. How else are your family gonna know if you’re still alive, or dying in there? Are you allowed phone calls, mails?
I assume the food must be horrible. T_T Now that I think of it, I think it’ll make a good fat camp. *cough*
haha, you looked more comfortable at the end when you were standing up
Great second episode! And shit, rehab must have sucked big time man, sounded way shittier than prison.
ps : nice xray!
gosh…rehab sounds awful.
i think thats what they shud do to our criminals.
prison doesnt seem to really work. ;/
Typo : I don’t know IF* cute is the right adjective to use? π
Lol might sound weird but it looks as if it’s drawn on after the xray was taken.
And your alpha project episodes are pretty good. I’d never wanna go to rehab!
Haha… I like the nipple piercings. Looks like arrows to me on the x-ray! cool!
joy: Hey thanks for the kind comments Joy! π
I appreciate the vote of confidence. π
Ciki: Haha! During my med checkup they asked me to take it off but I had so much problems with unscrewing the nipple piercings that they said, nevermind, don’t bother. π
chefmel: Heh! Whichever you feel is right! =D
Thanks for watching Mel! π
Cheers: Nope bro, they have this program where new inmates (recruits?) cannot have any contact with the outside world or even with the other fellow inmates for 3 months. You’re locked in a jail cell with no one talking to you for “detox”.
It’s supposed to prevent you for raising hell and all that…and to be honest, it works. I raised hell on my first day, smashed the windows and browsed through my repertoire to curse the adminstrator with all sorts of profanity.
All it got me was shackles and I was stripped down and forced to wear a sarong. T_T
SJC: Ya mate, that stone I was sitting on restricted my movement. T_T
The others are better though. π
Marlboro Guy: Thanks bro! π
Ya, it was a bit of a trial in rehab…first day after my hell raising antics didn’t work, I tried to stab myself with a nail but the nail was just like 1 inch so it didn’t do much. T_T
After that they served me with plastic forks and spoons in the “detox” jail cell. π
Dylan: Prison is a breeze. You just need RM 100 a month to buy what they call a “kapal” which is “special food” you pay for (diverted from regular prisoner’s meals) and give it to the toughest guy in your block. It’s all smooth sailing then, no one bothers you and you can kick back and watch TV (YES THERE IS TV IN PRISON BUT NOT IN REHAB) or read a book and as a bonus the toughest guy will send one of his people to help you clean up your place. Haha! It was fun. π
chefmel: No worries Mel! π
I take that as a compliment. π
Ryan: Haha! I do not have the Photoshop skillz to do that. It was a photo of the X-ray I took.
Thanks mate! π
Appreciate the support.
Ya rehab was a bit like hell for me. :S
eiling: Heh! Ya, I love it too, came out real good. I’m glad they didn’t force me to take it off for the chest X-Ray. π
I have a new respect for you, Huai Bin!
hy: Thanks! =D
I really appreaciate the kind comments. π
I was wondering why there were cursors on your x-ray!!! Now it makes sense!
Does that mean you have a cell all to yourself throughout the ordeal? Sure sounds pretty lonely. I’m sure the experience will serve as a deterrent to many ‘inmates’. Hell, who wanna spend the rest of their life pulling grasses? π
Momon: Cursors? Those are my nipple piercings. T_T
Good thing they didn’t ask me to take it off…coz I don’t know how to take it out without being able to put it back again. Sensitive nipples. :S
Cheers: Nope just for the first 3 months, they call it “detox” coz you’re (most likely) going to be uncooperative, belligerant and aggressive. Everyone goes through it when they get admitted.
Yeah, that grass plucking thing is bullshit, got me 20 shades darker than before I went in. Haha! π
an interesting insight into rehabville.
hmm hb, aren’t you supposed to remove your piercings for an xray? i was told to remove it for mine.
LOLOL it does show through wtf! would be cute if u had hello kitty piercing on ur nippies though π hehe!
Ed and me believed you didn’t die, but in rehab. Someone later confirmed that. But it was sure a looonnng rehab. We still talked about you from time to time, hope you didn’t sneeze in rehab. π
seth.frostheart: Yeah, I was asked to remove it before the X-ray but I had so much trouble doing so that the nurse just went “Nevermind, keep it on”. Haha! π
wen pink: Yeah, it’s metal, of course it’ll show through. =D
Heh! That would show through also, I was asked to remove my choker coz it has a bit of metal on it. π
fish fish: Thanks for the vote of confidence! =D
Yeah, it kinda sucked in there. Hmph. No wonder I had bouts of sneezing fits when I was inside. π
I couldn’t imagine how’s it like.. especially the part without contact with anyone at all. I would definitely go crazy. Even as I’m typing this, I shudder to think how it would be like, isolated like that in a cell.
Can read books or not inside? π
Doing good buddy, can see from your obvious prosperous look hehe.
bongkersz: I nearly went crazy bro. I contemplated suicide (not that I haven’t before but still). You can have 1 book – your religion. Bible, Koran, watever. I took the Bible and read through it 2 times. I must say it helped. I’ll be lying if I said it didn’t. π
Dylan: Prison is a breeze. You just need RM 100 a month to buy what they call a “kapal” which is “special food” you pay for (diverted from regular prisoner’s meals) and give it to the toughest guy in your block. It’s all smooth sailing then, no one bothers you and you can kick back and watch TV (YES THERE IS TV IN PRISON BUT NOT IN REHAB) or read a book and as a bonus the toughest guy will send one of his people to help you clean up your place. Haha! It was fun. π
WTF! RM100 only! So friggin’ cheap protection money with maid services. Almost the same amount collected from student gangsters. Haha!
OMG can I post this up in my blog?
Dylan: Yeah, and also cigarettes. Haha! But it’s really nasty cigarettes, made from loose tobacco and newspapers (not kidding you, newspapers – it’s a long and thin “cigarette”). Food is a commodity (as is tobacco) since the rations are so small from cooks diverting it to cook entire rations FULL of meat (the kapal I was talking about). π
Yeah, sure if you want to. π
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