When I was a little kid our family used to go for vacations every year. It was something I really looked forward to. We would spend the earlier part of the year planning on the destination and I would research (in books, the Internet in its current form didn’t exist then) the place thoroughly before we went.
Our annual family vacations went on hiatus when I went to New Zealand for my high school when I was 15 but I still remember them fondly. One of the things I miss the most was the anticipation. The journey was almost as good as the actual trip itself. I would get all excited the night before and during the ride to the airport I’ll be so into it I’ll think I was already there.
I remember telling my mom not to litter when we were having breakfast in Sibu before going to Singapore. Heh!
Anyway, I had a chance to relive this journey a couple of weekends ago. I took a train down to the airport, armed with a digicam and pretended I was going on a trip.
Did you know that KLIA Transit has a service that brings you to LCCT? I didn’t! It was TOTALLY new to me.
I am aware of the usual players plying the bus service, which is quite competitive. You know what I mean from the in-your-face touts in KL Sentral.
I went there last Sunday to see how the service was…it’s your usual KLIA Transit train with a feeder bus (complete with a driver prospecting for auditory gold) but it gets you there.
Look! You can even update yourself on the latest news while you’re at it. Heh!
It felt good – I almost feel like I’m going on a vacation when I stepped into the threshold of the train. I went to LCCT, grabbed a bite to eat and then came back to real life. π
This ERL service to LCCT it makes it possible for regular folks to get from KL Sentral to LCCT in less than an hour.
I timed it.
I reckon it’s good to have a bit of competition over here. The buses are cheap, no doubt, but sometimes (I speak from experience) it can get crowded and they don’t depart regularly during odd hours.
The ERL service to LCCT is already running, you can check out the details on the KLIA Ekspres website. Go Green, Go LO-CO2!
I thought it was fun just to pop down to the airport and watch the people waiting for real flights to their vacation destinations. *sigh*

wow good… so i could take train to lcct for my future trip 2 yrs later when i am back home =p
Why don’t go on a holiday? Seldom hear you say go holiday…
Getting all nostalgic, eh? π I think it’s time you pack up and go for a short break. End of the year’s approaching anyways.
me too like go airport fetching someone or sending someone as the feeling duno how to describe… π
I had always love airports and planes. It’s my way of relaxation. π
thx for the erl info . . .so much easier to travel now. . aint it?
fufu: Yeah, it’s a good alternative! π
Jina: Eh, I thought I’ve been travelling a bit. π
This year went to Korea and Sri Lanka and some nearest places. =D
Cheers: Yeah, next trip will to Nepal, finances allowing. π
ah nel: Ya, it’s fun right? π
chefmel: I know right! It’s so fun. π
foodcrazee: Yeah, it is. π
yeah airports are great places to hang out. Watch the plane and people come in & go. All the excitement of travel without the stress and expense of the travel, just soak up the travel vibes of other peoples while you’re there. Unfortunately, Perth international airport charges an arm and a leg for parking which ruins that plan. No Public transport either. π
Personally, i think i would prefer to take the train rather than the bus so i think its a good idea they started this.
haha, totally random dude!
you’re so cute! haha
I love family trips! yeah. I remember I would get all excited a night before the trip too. Just couldn’t sleep ^^
Thanks for the info. Even I do not know about this. Now I can take the train instead of the taxis!
Wow! Thanks for the info! I never knew they went to LCCT? Always thought they only went to KLIA. When did they start? They should do some ads to promote this. Hardly see any ads around.
Hey HB..you are such a chick magnet even when you are young. I understand now, you definately need G2000 clothes for the chicks. Good on ya mate!!!!
hey, please have more food/dining blog?
can see the resemblance in ur baby foto. nice;)
Ooh i just realise that Yiling was actually me! Didn’t change the sign in name. heheh Hope you had a good rest yesterday! I was so tired and sleepy today and kept on using my wipers as signal lights! BWM withrawal symptoms.
Jeff: Yeah the parking for airports tend to be a bit on the high side. I always take public transport to the airport. π
gypsy-on-the-move: Yeah, this is the train. Heh! It goes to LCCT AND KLIA so they have services for both now. π
Dylan: I didn’t even know about the service until now. π
Christine: Haha! That was when I was a little kid.
I couldn’t sleep the night before during family vacations when I was a kid too! π
I love travelling!
Yiling: Yup, it’s quite convenient since it’s at KL Sentral. π
TJ: Yeah, I didn’t know about the service until someone told me too. There are ads at KL Sentral, somewhere along the lines of This Way to LCCT. It’s a different terminal than the KLIA ERL. π
Rocket: Hah! I thought I was fat as a kid. π
Okay, no worries, planning to cook soon anyway! π
cumidanciki: Haha! Yeah coz I was fat and I’m fat now again. T_T
eiling: Haha! Me too, I was driving my car a bit too fast last night coz I thought it can hug the corners like a beemer too. π