

I love to travel. It’s not exactly a big secret, everyone who knows me well (or even not so well) knows that I have them itchy feet that just leads me to do the planes, trains and automobiles thing. I guess I’m not someone who feels content with being sedentary at home. I’m more the travel the world and the seven seas type.

However, I do have a day job and it takes up a lot of my time. Heck, most days I just get my dinner from the 7-Eleven opposite my office and crash.

I was there one day to get my usual instant noodles (middle of the month la, broke dy) when I saw this Safari trip in the ice cream section:


*cue Dr. Alban – Born in Africa*

Images of giraffes, hippos and zebras flashed through my mind’s eye (interspaced with The Lion King scenes) and I did a mental inventory to see if I have consumed anything I shouldn’t have.


The next thing I did was to check my wallet (yes, I start running out of money in the middle of the month) and I had enough. It was a bit of a internal struggle – food or ice cream with a possible trip to Africa?

My nomadic spirit won in the end and I grabbed a Nestle Drumstick KIT KAT and Vanilla Classic as my dinner. There is a code is located inside the sleeve of the drumstick. You can use the same code for the FB game (to score higher) and the SMS contest.


Eh, don’t look at my code, I used it already, go get your own.

The SMS contest is a holiday package for 2 to be won weekly to South Africa. There’s ten (10) x 9 days/6 nights Safaris to be won, I’ll never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try! Check it out at


You can use this code – I haven’t used it, first come, first served. πŸ˜‰

Nestle Drumstick is also running a FB contest called Holiday for the Brrr…ave which can get you an iPhone 3GS 32 GB. It’s really easy to play, I was intrigued by the game. There are three stages and it’s a bunch of fun. I’m not just saying that, you know how Facebook games can be addictive.

In a Vanilla’s got nut(shell) it’s 3 stages of clicking fun.


The first one requires you to steal Drumsticks from the gorilla when a fellow primate distracts him.


That’s coz he’s got that whole I’M WATCHING YOU thing going.


Don’t make the grumpy gorilla angry. πŸ™

This is Feeding Time. Crazy Music and Night Safari are the other two levels. You have to win all three levels in the contest so go check out all the Facebook game here!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

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35 thoughts on “Roots”

  1. sharon: Okay, will do a full proper video tour of my studio when the cleaners come this weekend. πŸ™‚
    I’m at the Bangsar area (close enough) it’s a nice place. We be neighbors k?
    debbie: Yup, it’s gonna be great if I win. πŸ™‚
    I’m having a bit of a streak of good luck with regards to the traveling department lately. πŸ™‚
    sarah: Oh, I used one, that other one is meant for my readers to use to play the game. πŸ™‚
    It’s all good, but I fully expect whoever wins with that code to bring me along. Haha! πŸ™‚
    Jhnhth: Yeah mate, I haven’t eaten a proper dinner in ages. Usually instant noodles for me since I’m so tired when I get home from work. πŸ™‚

  2. Mate, you disappoint me. As a kid from Kuching, you really let me down. As everybody knows, if you don’t have money, then you know what’s next best.
    a) walk around the shop eating the ice cream and take the wrapper home. You are not required to pay if you don’t have anything at the check out.
    b) unwrap all the ice cream in the freezer and walk out with the wrappers
    c) only if you have time, write down all the codes and just walk out. You can collect hundreds of codes all over KL.
    Africa is damn cool, plenty of European backpackers. Your testicles will you thank you very muchly but stay away from female gorillas, they husbands can be nasty.

  3. chefmel: You can have the token above if someone hasn’t used it already. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, it’s much easier to get points if you have the code. πŸ™‚
    rocket: Haha! It was a 7-Eleven, and a small one to boot, it’s not like people wouldn’t notice. Good tips though. πŸ˜‰
    Yup, I hear the very same about gorillas. πŸ˜‰

  4. Bloody hell, do I have to teach you Crime 101? You must have faulty genes, coz all Sarawakian are born with it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a 7-11 or a hyper mart, the technique is all the same.
    First, you go in with the most angry look possible, like you are about to slaughter everybody in sight, that should ensure the lowly paid staff to leave you along. Throw in some cursing and swearing.
    Then proceed to remove all the wrappers, bring to the front counter, with your very angry face, ask for the attendant to photocopy all the wrappers.
    After its all done, thank the guy, don’t have to look agry anymore and if the attendant is an Ah Moy, ask if you can take her picture.

  5. thenomadGourmand: Yeah, it would be fun to win this and go to Africa eh? πŸ™‚
    Yeah, this place is quite centralized but I kinda prefer PJ to live in. πŸ™‚
    rocket: Hahaha! It works in Sibu/Miri and other gang infested areas, not so much over here. πŸ˜‰
    Cheesie: I’m planning! πŸ™‚
    Angry Monkey: The link is working mate! The link you gave is the unofficial FB page. πŸ˜‰

  6. HB: If you are not in the right environment, then you have to create the environment. Bring a shotgun, double barrel or pump action would suffice, and shout profanity. That should get their attention.
    Hey, please give us an update on the girls from “Dinner with an unexpected guest”.

  7. rocket: Haha! Then I would REALLY need to win that Safari trip and NOT COME BACK from South Africa coz I’ll be a wanted man. πŸ™‚
    Okay, will browse back through my archives.

  8. don’t worry lah, as if mata-kia will come after you one lah.
    hey, if you win the comp, who will you bring with you? I vote for Siew Ling.

  9. rocket: Haha! Dude, I have been arrested before for possession.
    Hmm…haven’t thought about that yet. πŸ™‚
    Cheers: Haha! You’ll be surprised at the amount of Chinese in Africa. There are a lot of people from Sibu working there. I hear the pay is good. πŸ™‚

  10. sure can if time and financial allows me…wil decide later… ;0
    its beter travel with a guys as then entertainment more diffrent and less shopping…LOL

  11. ah nel: Heh! Actually, it’s better to travel ALONE. You really get to decide what you want to do and experience the culture of the locals. Wake up whenever you feel like it, mingle around, soak up the culture. Travelling in groups is fun too but I think travelling single is the best way to go to really get to know a country. πŸ™‚

  12. Hey HB, how about you make it a seed spreading trip? It would be so cold if 20 years from how, some Danish boy knock on your door and calls you daddy.
    But please, if your daugther knocks on your door, please don’t make out with her, that would be just sick. ha ha ha ha*
    *Sorry dude, sense of humour running a bit low today.

  13. rocket: Haha! Man, you have the best ideas in the world. Most awesome. I like your sense of humor. πŸ™‚
    aud: I’ll get to meet the local nurses then! πŸ˜‰

  14. hey man, you better be careful with African nurses. They remind me of the two chinese medical students, first borrow your cell phone and then $20.
    But be smart times time lah, inpregnate at least one of them first lah. Wah, ho say liaw lah.

  15. So the pay’s good over there but how’s the club scenes? πŸ˜‰ No point raking in 15k/month and not being able to enjoy your hard-earned dough.

  16. rocket: Hmm…never been to Africa before so I wouldn’t know.
    Haha! You are a fountain of (cheesy but funny) knowledge buddy. πŸ˜‰
    ah nel: Yup, true true. πŸ™‚
    Cheers: You have a point there…but I hear South Africa is pretty happening though. At least in the major cities. πŸ™‚
    Dylan: Good luck Dylan! πŸ™‚

  17. One of my work mate is from African, man, your Chinese con artists are like kindy kids compared to this guy.
    Don’t cut any deal with them or they will steal your juju, and without your mojo, chicks won’t stick to you anymore, holy shit, that’s worse than losing your penis. πŸ™‚
    So take it from me, it’s fun to play with fire, just don’t get burned.


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