I am currently living in a studio apartment. Unlike other studios, this one is standardized – every single frigging room in this suite is EXACTLY the same. Same sofa, same bed, same tables. You know how it is. Even the cursed bed sheets are the same color! I have an ex-gf who lives here too and her place is precisely like mine.
Hell, sometimes I get confused whether it’s my place or her place (mine is a bit messier but that’s about it).
I have this side table from my old place that was the only furniture I can lug to my new studio. I just moved less than two weeks ago and I had to use my car to transport fittings. I have a certain attachment to it so I decided to add a dash of personality into my humdrum studio.
It’s a red table and I want it to be colorful so I enlisted the help of friends and we painted the table to make it more personal. I learned a couple of painting tips in the Nippon Paint workshop a while back but she was the one with the artistic vision (and passion) so I left all art direction in her good hands.
The painting of the table involved no less than six (6) different Nippon Paint colors.
Nippon Odourlite Gloss Finish
7032T Gold Shadow
6021P Silent Bliss
1102T Jasmine Leaf
281A Liberty Blue
7083D Autumn Blaze
Nippon Odourlite Matt Finish
OW17 1P Mint Scent
I also had Nippon Paint Color Testers which is very useful for small projects like this. There are thousands of colors to choose from and it’s like a sample can of sorts.
She showed me a picture of what she can do to it and it looked amazing.
This is her awesome concept.
Thus, the painting process begins:
Larger brushes were used for broad strokes…
while finer ones were utilized for detailing.
Of course, having newspapers around avoids spillage, which is a Bad Thing (TM).
She penciled in the details before painting freestyle – steady, surgeon hands. π
The tape is used to avoid paint from getting onto the sides.
It doesn’t take long to dry at all if you have sunlight and a nice breeze assisting you.
It’s an awesome design eh? It only took a weekend and the best thing about the project was the fun factor for people who like to paint!
Here’s a closer look at the Pac-table.
I’m lovin’ it. It looks great in my new studio and adds a bit of life to the uniformity (a word I never like) of my apartment. π
It’s a great classic design (Pacman!) with an Easter Egg of sorts beside it and it really motivates me to write with the HIGH SCORE, GET READY! and the sense of urgency, determination and possibilities it conveys.

That is for sure the BIGGEST laptop that I’ve ever seen! What is it??
Bedroom – Bathroom – Kitchen? Nice!
Dude, why did you ruin a perfectly good table? If you are going to do that, at least show us a picture of your girlfirend. π
Good to see you have a wide screen laptop, there’s nothing worse than watching porn on a 10″ screen.
How big your studio apartment in square feet ?
it’s cute!
Wat’s with the golf bag? I know u go through girls like Tiger but a golf set???
nice project~!
very nice!!! I love pacman!
Hey… that’s Max!
wow, ur condo looks good!!
What is your girlfriend count so far? I’ve lost count π
whoa! that table definitely adds character to the place!
Some things you can change a bit is probably the curtains? & the bedsheets π
Myself just moved to KJ and I’m re-modeling the kitchen ;p
Dude…PGA Tour ? You don’t need to play golf to score with women. You already make some annoying, lonesome wanker… so envy.
DGT: It’s an ASUS. I use it as my primary computer so I wanted the screen to be huge. π
Qwerty: Yeah, I like my new place too. π
rocket: I love the table! My friend did the bulk of the painting though, she’s good at that.
Heh! Yeah, I need to have large screens on my notebook coz I need the screen real estate. π
chunsiang: Hmm…it’s a little more than 500 square feet. π
KY: Yeah, I wish I can paint that well, my friend did most of the painting. π
Tuanku: Haha! That’s not mine la, the painting was done at my friend’s house. π
Dylan: Yup, it’s a lot of fun to do! π
chefmel: Yeah, very retro right? My friend came out with this design. π
dog spotter: Heh! I don’t have a dog, it’s my friend’s. π
sharon: Yeah, it’s a studio, totally open concept thing, I love it. π
rocket: Don’t ask me, I lost count too. π
thenomadGourmand: Cheers for the advice. Yeah, the bedsheets is a bit drab. I like the blinds though, I can just pull it and it looks like night. π
Good luck with your kitchen! π
e: Heh! The golf set isn’t mine, the painting was done at my friend’s place. π
That’s one table sure to stir up nostalgic thoughts and stuffs that are better be left on its own for me. π
Awesome results, I’m only blessed with the ability to draw a stickman.
Ever thought up putting it up on eBay?
is that your dog? how come it look so scare…haha
Cheers: Haha! Especially the power up pills eh? π
I must attribute all credits to Jamie who did most of the painting.
Ebay? Nah, I plan on keeping it!
dragoncity: It’s not mine, I’m a cat person, the dog belongs to my friend. π
I have cats but not dogs.
so who’s Jamie? New girlfriend?
ur studio really nice as can enjoy how individual bathing while lying on bed…lol
rocket: No la! She’s a friend who kindly helped me paint my table. π
ah nel: Heh! Yeah, I love my studio…it’s a bit small but nice. π
I’m in the midst of looking for a new place and these studio units look just fine.
Can you give me some hints on the name of this place or as to where this is?
Anonymous: Yeah this is one of the nicer studios around town. It’s in the Damansara Heights area. π
006THSEAL! Like this one the most. ^_^
I have a mini schnauzer, too. The dog is super cute and my favourite picture of all… (Yeah, I’m biased).
fish fish: Heh! That was my friend’s idea – her Easter Egg for the design. π
Fits nicely into the entire concept eh?
WinnieKepala: Oh, the dog isn’t mine. I’m a cat person. It belongs to my friend – painting was done at her place. π
How does this work? your girlfriend lets you bring girls to your apartment? Damn, you are my hero.
Your apartment looks nice. How nice does it cost u a month?
Your apartment looks nice. How nice does it cost u a month?
. . . . . . . . why is it that bloggers have the same pattern of using nippon paint, and draw pac man?
rocket: Eh, no la, I don’t have a girlfriend! π
brandon: It’s RM 1,300 per month, about 500 square feet or so but I like it though it’s on the expensive side.
hoho: Heh! I don’t know, this wasn’t my design, all credits goes to my friend who painted the table for me. π
KY’s wall still the best lol.
Awwweee…. The dog is super cute lah n the pacman table too it’s kewl π
I love tis apartment. How much r u paying it? In which area yea?
Simon Seow: Heh! Yeah, Haze is really good.
June: Hello June! Yeah, but I’m more of a cat person. I love cats! π
tze: It’s a studio in Bukit Damansara. It is also a serviced apartment – some units are “hotels”, so you can get cleaners. π
It’s RM 1,300 per month, small at 500 plus square feet but good for a single person like me.
no wonder.. i thought that dog looked familar!! then i saw jia meei’s face! haha.. π
liyen: OMG! You have a blog! *stalks* π
Darrell: Heh! Cheers mate! Have a Merry Christmas too! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. π
What’s with all these people asking about the apartment. Come on guys, lets get to the serious question.
Why the pretty girl is not your g/f? You did invite her to your place to set up home. In some culture, that means you are off the market.
rocket: She’s a friend of mine, she already has a bf. The painting was done at her place. π
Yeah i love cats too but my mom dun like one so no cats for me at home π
June: I love cats too but a live in cat can be a bit bothersome e.g. you have to use lint remover on all your clothes, but having a feline friend is more than worth it! π
wow so cute! i thought of doing cookie monster but i gave up haha
kampungboycitygal: Haha! Cookie monster would be great! Especially if it has crumbs and all falling over the floor. You’ll be wondering if you need to sweep it up constantly before realizing it’s paint. π
this remind me the the game I played when I was child XD…
chiechek: Yup, that’s Pacman! π
Pacman…i love that game…nice act ha
Angeline: Yeah, I used to play the arcade version when I was a kid. Fun times, these classic games. π
that was creative!
pacman on the table.. with nippon paint..
great one~
KwOnG FeI: Cheers mate!
My friend did most of the work. π
it’s a classic game for me too
blub blub blub
u have a creative mind there
nicdanic: Thanks! All credits goes to my friend though, she’s the one who came up with the design. Too bad she’s going to Melbourne soon. T_T
Cheers mate! π
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Could you email me a picture? It’s hard to picture.