Jestina sent me a photo she took from her BB last Saturday and it made me smile the entire day. I sat there, pondering on why I felt so happy when the proverbial light bulb came on. *cue That’s Amore song*
My dream in the Year of the Tiger is, in no uncertain terms, get into a relationship with Jestina Goon. My calculator tells me that I’m hitting 29 in a little more than two months so that means I’ll be pushing 30 next year. The Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day falls on the very same day this year so this would be the perfect opportunity! =D
I remember singing Ai De Lu Shang Zhi You Wo He Ni (Just the two of us walking down the road of love) over the phone a couple of months ago to her. It’s not as good as Richie Ren’s version, far from it, but it’s the thought that matters right?
I also sent her a rather cheesy email some time ago:
However, with the slow progress, I’m thinking maybe she just doesn’t like the player type. Jestina is a really nice girl so I shall do it By The Book (TM) (1920 edition, went out of print 1950 due to changing times but my dad has a First Cover Edition). π
Dad: Be a good boy, old skool is gold school, treat her well.
Okay dad.
I should take a page from The Egg Yolks‘ book and pursue her properly. He’s getting married soon so he’s gotta be doing something right. Now here’s where the RM 8,888 comes in.
According to the Gentleman’s Playbook (circa 1920) the obligatory procedure is the classic flowers, dinner and date.
However, a small aside on the entry mentions that all these can be skipped if you already know the lady. Thus, I’m going to use it all for a romantic vacation to seal the deal! π
What is the first thing that comes into mind when you think of romance? Venice!
I’ve got this free unlimited flights thing going on (the Year of the Tiger has been good to me) so we’ll only need to pay for one person which comes up to RM 4603 for a return trip.
That leaves RM 4285.
The majority of that will go into accommodation – Il Palazzo is the place to be! It overlooks the Grand Canal and has a personal concierge service. The suites at Bauer Il Palazzo is considered to be the most luxurious in Venice – perfect for a romantic getaway. The suites don’t come cheap at 750 Euros (which works out to RM 3,600) so that leaves me with:
RM 685
We’ll be doing the gondola thing, visiting all the art museums and dine in romantic hole-in-the-wall restaurants so I really hope I win the Grand Prize which comes with extra RM 1,888 cash to fund the trip.
Crap, that sounds like a something out of a player’s handbook after all. Haha! Oh well.
Anyway, if all goes well you’re all invited to our wedding. π
Tiger Beer is the official beer for the Year of the Tiger. Do you have a wish you want Tiger Beer to fulfill in the Year of the Tiger? Just write a blog post like this in order to stand a chance to participate in Nuffnangers Run to Win towards the Year of the Tiger. If you snag the first prize, you’ll get your RM 8,888 wish fulfilled in addition to RM 1,888 in cash.
The first male and female runner ups will also have their RM 8,888 dreams granted by Tiger Beer. 88 bloggers will be selected for the run and one of the tasks is to post something on the Tiger Beer Facebook fan page, so if you want to be fast, you’ll have to be a fan of it first!
Just send in your entry to with your full name and blog post permalink. This very auspicious run will be happening on the 6th of February at 4:30 pm at Bar Madrid, Jaya One!
Jestina, I will run like a stampeding bull is behind me with full intention of goring my gonads in its blind fury during the Nuffnang-Tiger run!!!!11111

hey hey whos the new girl? π
Is she paid or not for this post? Hahaaha
u really sing that song on fon…lol
now i knew what ur fren mean when she say u r weird…her meaning u will done xtra ordinary things… π
i used to drank tiger but cause me headache…too cold for a guy to drink… π
wish u all the luck.. π
debbie: Oh, that’s Jestina. π
chefmel: Haha! Nope. I called her during the weekend to ask for pictures. Heh!
ah nel: Yeah, I really did. My voice damn cannot make it somemore. I’m tone deaf. :p
Tiger is good though.
Thanks! I hope I win too! π
Robb: Haha! Need support! π
awwww hahaha… how come jestina didn’t comment here wannn??
Haha… is this for real? sometimes I mixed reality and fantasy reading your posts! Good luck and all the best!
bryanlyt: Yalor how come Jestina very conspiciously missing one? π
eiling: Haha! Thanks!
Venice would be a nice place to go! I haven’t been there before but good thing the unlimited flights thing applies to London as well so I MUST GO THIS YEAR. π
Have a good weekend Eiling!
Hmm, my chinese zodiac sign is the Horse and it says that it works great with the Tiger! I hope this year will be very good!
where is jestina’s comment?
Congratulations my friend. Jestina, I can vouch for HB, he is a good man, a real catch if you get what I mean. Quickly marry him and chia us lah.
As for your Venice plan, sorry dude, don’t do it. You will just ruin your future. You see, relationship is like a movie, the climax is at the ending.
Here is the rule book, initially you visit an ordinary destination, next year you go somewhere more exotic, until you reach the climax which is Venice.
If you go Venice on the word go, then you can’t top that, it’s the end. It’s like the relationship cannot go any further, understand?
BTW, can I now marry Caydence?
jessy: Mine is the Rooster and I hear it’s going to be a good year for Roosters in the Year of the Tiger too! π
KY: Haha! Waiting for her. π
rocket: Haha! Thanks bro, appreciate the vote of confidence. π
No way! The climax of every relationship is at the beginning – it then settles into a nice partnership kind of thing, which is also good in its own way – comfort, companionship etc.
Agree with you on the ordinary destination bit – yeah, it’ll be hard to top that. Honeymoon then.
Haha! I KNEW you were gonna say that. :p
Wow…all the best!! We’re all rooting for you! =)
Congratulations Huai Bin.. after saw your blog am really so happy π thats real.. coz not all guys can “biao ba” through the blog.. now i really can confirm that you so so so romantic guy.. ^^ and am also sure that Jestina very touching heart.. I will support you always.. cheers.. π
Fuh Jestina is a lucky girl
being chase openly on the net =D
Jia you Huai Bin bro!
Have you set a date? I have to book air ticket liaw (wah, face very thick).
Take Jestina to Tromso, now that would be one place not many people been to. Apprently the sunset is to die for.
Have you bought the house yet, like your eggyolk friend?? Can I stay over when I come to your wedding dinner? ha ha ha
Now, how do I get to Seremban?
gypsy-on-the-move: Heh! Thanks for the support! Much appreciated. π
kai yee: Haha! I hope so too. Thanks for the support Kai Yee! π
Tian Chad: Thanks Tian Chad! Appreciate the support! π
rocket: I’m not moving that fast into marriage. Sure, you can stay over during the wedding dinner. π
Haha! Not Seremban again!
hahaha Jestina shy! FYI i did my best to nudge her towards you liao. was accused of being part of ‘The Huai Bin Army’ in return haih.
you’re really nuts u know that? but at least no one will ever say you didn’t have balls.
good on u mate. (this better not be some scam):P
hb is this for real or just another beef behind the noodle post? either way… do post up the result! looking forward to view jestina’s comments.
fresh: Haha! I didn’t know I had an army. Okay, you should be the Commander-in-Chief! Or First Lady, whichever title you prefer. Highest pangkat one. π
ciki: I have a pair actually. Quite sturdy ones too, served me well doing what the Lord commandeth, which is “Be fruitful and multiply”. π
mickey: Hahaha! Beef behind the noodle. I love that expression. We’re all waiting for Jestina’s comment. :S
HB said he is going to pay me copyright for this post, hehehehehe…
Yes the nuffies in the office are all under Huai Bin’s command… >.
Jester: Hello Jestina! Finally, the star of the show arrives, fashionably late. π
Haha! I didn’t realize I have an army of supporters for the cause of HB-Jestina. =D
Thank you all!
Hmmmm….you’ll need to change your whole lifestyle, settle down, commit to one and one alone. Looking at the way you live your life, I don’t think any girl would be able to take so much…and it’s about giving and taking on the part of BOTH parties, not just one.
I am not in any way saying that I do not approve of the way you live your life now. It’s your life and you have every right to live it the way you choose…but when you want a permanent relationship, it ceases to be all about “you” and begins to become “us”. Are you ready for that?
come on…you got my full support for justina…she was a nice girl
suituapui: It’s already happening. π
I’m finding myself more mellow nowadays. Yeah, I get what you mean though. Relationships are all about compromise. π
eddy: Yeah, she is a nice girl. Cheers mate! π
huai bin! i heard u coming over to kuching this week???!
yienyien: It’s not this week – it’s tomorrow! π
See ya in Kuching! My number is 016 888 2069.
damn lomantic lo. super made our day when we read it in teh office HEHEHEEEE
Huai Bin!! I’m so surprise to see you linking me up in your awesome blog post!! You seriously is a romantic guy! wish you luck in both the contest and you romance π
Dude, don’t do it! You will be happier being single and getting some from cougars with money.
HB, this is the one. She seem so special by looking at photo.
Hey Bro, i envy you.. haha
willing: Heh! Thanks Willing! Glad you liked it. π
theeggyolks: You wrote a great entry, enjoyed it tremendously. π
I hope you win!
Cheers mate! π
e: Haha! Speaking from experience bro? π
It’s not always Game Over when you get married though, but I wouldn’t know since I’m still single. π
Michael (Mike): Heh! Cheers for the astute observation. π
Eriku: Haha! Thanks mate! π
HB, aya, why wait? Be a man, do it already. Walk down the aisle before the year is over, and I pau a big ang pow for you and Jester.
I bring you something from Pumpkin Patch too. Pink or Blue?
Of course, sooner you do it, the sooner I see the Princess of Seremban. Solly lah, no free lunch in this world, ha ha ha.
Just remember one thing, Happy Wife, Happy Life.
Bloody Jetstar doesnt fly to Seremban. Not happy
rocket: Haha! That is a bit too fast even by my standards.
Pink if it’s a girl, blue if it’s a guy. I’m just traditional that way. π
Aha! I know you have udang sebalik batu one. Princess of Seremban again. :p
There’s no flights to Seremban dude, you have to drive there from KL. π
A bit fast? OK lah, how about April? I have 2 days off work over Easter weekend, how does that suit you and Jester, and Princess?
AirAsia doesn’t go Seremban either, what’s go? No airport in Seremban ah? Looks like I will have to drive. Where can I get an AE86?
u in kuching today?go chk out my fren tattoo studio…feel free to ask him design on the spot for u… π
rocket: Haha! Okay, April is a good month since it’s my birthday.
There are no airports in Seremban, you have to fly to KL and drive down. π
ah nel: I’m not sure if I have the time for a tattoo – our shooting schedule for the weekend is pretty intense! π
hmm…. old skool pursuing a lady on BLOG! tht must be the latest edition u got thr bro . .2015 edition maybe
She is a lovely lady with such a cheerful heart melting smile…i can’t resist her…so better make it quick mate…
alright! catch up with ya soon!!!
foodrazee: Haha! Yeah, chasing has gone to new heights based on the available technology. π
It’s gonna catch on. π
Charles: Yeah, she does have a very nice smile eh? I always feel happy when I look at her.
Oi! No poaching. π
Okay la, all’s fair in love and war.
May the best man win! =D
yienyien: Okay! See ya tomorow (today technically since it’s past 12) – full day of shooting. π
Cant wait to see more of your post. π
Eriku: Okay, next post coming up! π
( to jestina)… I guess HB is ok, though you could probably do better… still if you must… he seems like a pretty good guy. ( sorry HB, I am looking at this from a dad’s point of view, not a son in law’s). you will see, when YOUR daughter starts dating, the point of view changes, and radically.) and you don’t really care about correct puncuation, either. 50 years this years, myself. damn. the years slip by. hell, I thought I was still 25. “he aint so bad, though…” ( hey, that is high praise from a father-in law). Tom
Yeah, Thank you.
tom: Yeah I guess she can do better, but I really do like her. Thanks for the honest opinion though. π
Jestina are you reading? π
Eriku: No worries mate! π
HB, You turn even a flirtation into a post full of adverts? Ach, so tacky. I will forever respect what you have been, and the truth you have shown, but you seem to have lost all substance. Gone are the days when each post contained a small part of YOU.
Soubriquet: It was the other way around mate. π
I turned and advertorial into a soft sell flirtation. I get what you mean though, damn you’re reading my mind. I’m about to launch into this post about commercialized blogs (and a bedroom story), composing it now. π
Thanks for reading and above all for the input.