I found a baby snake!

baby snake

I was out planting trees yesterday when I spotted what appears to be a fast moving earthworm after shovelling earth into my bucket. I quickly scooped it up for further examination. It moved like a snake instead of an earthworm – it was really fast, slithering instead of contracting.

It has a cute little forked tongue!

small snake

I eventually let it go coz I have no idea what to feed a snake of this size. I wonder what it eats when it’s this small.

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52 thoughts on “I found a baby snake!”

  1. chefmel: Oh, I like snake but I’m scared of spiders. πŸ™‚
    Spiders give me the creeps, if it’s a relatively large one about 3 meters away and I’m looking at it, I’ll jump if you touch me. Haha!
    eiling: Yup, the scales, the forked tongue and the way it moves is what caught my attention. Not a worm, so I picked it up.
    Snakes make nice pets, except they keep trying to escape all the time. πŸ™‚

    gelik wei…
    I used to like to dig earthworms out for fishing at drains *LOL* But now.. when i see worms.. I’ll get freak out.. what more to say baby snake that you found…
    gelikkkkk ahhh !!

  3. ahlost: Snakes are cute! I just don’t like spiders, they’re creepy but I love snakes. πŸ™‚
    You fish in drains? I like! Awesome, Rose! πŸ™‚
    shimmers999: Snakes are actually pretty nice compared to spiders. Spiders…jump. I hate things which jump at you. :S
    Dylan: You like snakes too? There’s this one I’ve been eying at at Pets Wonderland but it’s RM 1,200 and it’s so small – albino, a perfect one to boot but it’ll take ages for it to grow. πŸ™‚
    Michelle Chin: Yup, I thought it was an earthworm at first until it stuck it’s forked tongue out at me and slithered away…and the scales of course. πŸ™‚
    TianChad: Nope, we’re planting regular trees. The palm oil is just to make sure that the trees grow due to the unique conditions of Casey Island. πŸ™‚
    WEEN: Haha! Snakes are nice, plus it’s not poisonious. Even if it were such a lil one won’t necessiate a trip to the ER. πŸ™‚

  4. hahaha.. yes.. i fish in drains last time.. now no more lor.. no time to do such things and i dun like earthworms anymore πŸ˜€
    eeeee.. what makes you like snakes ah?? O.o

  5. insects dude . . .it feeds on insects, tadpoles. Best if it is abt 1/2 a cm in diameter. Easier to rear. Go get one KING CORN SNAKE. . . .abt RM1K but damn nice and a beauty

  6. many years ago, when I was a kid I was looking for worms to go fishing with my dad. just a local pond. I turned over an old rotten board and said look dad, worms. they were not. it was a nest of copperhead snakes. little ones. he crushed them with his boot and threw the ine I had into the bushes. and was mad, but not at me. Looking back, ( this was about 1968) and I was born late, ( now 50) I will never forget that horrified look on his eyes, as he crushed the nest. ” thats not a worm, son, better know the differece” between a worm, a garden snake, or a copperhead . hell , at the time, I thought all was the same. they are not. respsect your elders, and try not to get bit. certinly not twice. maybe thats why he was so scared. even once was enough for him.

  7. you know, snakes are reptiles, and as creepy as they are, I have eaten snake, (bet they did not appreciate that much) or gator meat. kind of bland. but never, and i mean never, would I eat an arichnid, or spider. well, ok. but I draw the at escargots. pardon me while i eat av oyster. but the line is drawn. no fish roe or caviar, or foie grass. now excuse me, I am gonna have some eggs and liver mush. ( boiled pig liver, cooked down with corn meal into a loaf.. then fried). was at the store today, and they were selling dried pigs ears, for pets, I kid you not, two for 4 bucks. are you out of your mind. at age 50, nothing surpises me any more. and get off my lawn… damn kids… lol

  8. How much more macho can you get? Holding the snake like that. Going out to plant trees.
    You’re officially my ‘Manliness’ reference now. Not that it means a damn… haha.

  9. ahlost: I think snakes are nice. Reptiles are totally impartial – the epitome of what everyone should be but is not, with all the flaws humans have. πŸ™‚
    We have similar childhoods! I didn’t fish that much in longkang though but played badminton over the house gate. Haha! πŸ™‚
    ah nel: It’s okay, snakes eat snakes e.g. if two snakes are eating another animal from both ends (one from head, other from tail), and they meet in the middle, the snake with the larger mouth will eat the OTHER snake. Interesting eh? πŸ™‚
    foodcrazee: Yeah, but where do you find insects that small? This snake I found is damn tiny. Corn snakes are nice, won’t have to worry if it escapes too since it’s not poisonous. 1k is a bit too much though and I’m scared my cat will kill it or vice versa. :S
    jessy: Haha! I can always get another snake as the Official Pet (TM). πŸ™‚
    The problem with snakes is, you spend so much money on it and a terranium and if you’re careless and forget to close the enclosure, it’s gone. πŸ™
    yienyien: Well, this is a very tiny snake and even if it was venomous, it won’t kill me with a bite, prob would just swell. It’s the adult snakes that can kill. πŸ™‚
    Happy birthday Yien! =D
    ciki: Yeah, but at this size, I wouldn’t know how to take care of it. It’s just too small. T_T
    I’ll lose it. πŸ™
    tom: Interesting anecdote from your childhood. Yeah, I can imagine your dad’s reaction, I would have been horrified too. Damn, a whole nest of them when you’re a kid, I would have been helluva worried as a parent.
    Be well my friend and enjoy your liver mush! πŸ™‚
    takeshi: Haha! Well, I know a bit about snakes, I wouldn’t go around touching an adult viper or cobra, but certain species are fine.
    Thank you! I wish I can deserve that title but I don’t. Way more macho guys out there…like Ash Campbell (of the Romero zombie trilogy). πŸ˜‰

  10. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS hahhaha so nice to see a person take nice care of a snake.
    I am heavy duty snake fanatic,i have Lots of PET snakes…&I went to Kota Kinabalu to help my two scientist friends collect
    pit vipers and take DNA and venom samples, but we had a lot of fun catching the little NONvenomous snakes too.
    Local people told us that most folks get a long tool and
    kill snakes first
    ask questions later.
    Are most Borneans told that all snakes will kill you so you must kill them ? If that is the case then I wont be pissed off by them.
    now, second question : Do you ever feel any hesitancy about killing/eating an animal that is as beautiful as that lobster? I was raised (by hippy mom)as a vegetarian.
    I eat some animals now, but I could not eat a lobster as beautiful as that, oh man , I’d be sad. likewise, you know those gorgeous chickens people have in Asia as show pets ? I could not eat one, but CAN eat a plain chicken, or some fish. thats all. also I can’t eat octopus, they are smart and sensitive ‘n’ kyoot. Dolphins too.
    Best from the Bronx, Darrell

  11. Darrell: Hey Big D, good to have you back! πŸ™‚
    Yeah, I have an affinity for reptiles and felines, two completely different creatures with similar characteristics e.g. they don’t give a fuck about you, unlike canines. πŸ™‚
    You’re right, most people in Malaysia kill snakes for all the wrong reasons but that’s coz they don’t know better. It’s like stereotyping, can’t really blame them. However, a lot of us loves snakes too (by a lot, I actually mean a minority).
    As for your second question, I am sad to report that I have no qualms about eating all sorts of animals.
    Cheers mate! πŸ™‚

  12. Looked like earthworm but the last photo freaked the hell out of me -.- I’m so scare of snake even those fake ones and in books/photos. *faint*

  13. Irene: It’s okay, everyone has a phobia. You’re afriad of snakes, I’m afraid of spiders. πŸ™‚
    …what if I throw a fake snake at you, will you freak out? πŸ˜‰

  14. That’s actually a flowerpot snake. It’s blind and lives underground. Totally harmless, unless you’re an ant πŸ˜› I found one before too and thought it was an earthworm. It eats ant eggs I think, and some other little insects.

  15. Tracy Chung: Interesting! Oh it eats ants eh? I didn’t know that (and wouldn’t know where to get ants to feed it too, much less ant eggs). Thanks for the info! πŸ™‚

  16. ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HB, you devil you…
    well, in regards to yr comments on snakes ( and cats, yeah man, I got my mom a burmese cat and he is ,apparently, the center of the universe,))
    YAY ! HB likes snakes
    in regards to your comments on eating anything that cant leap, run, fly fast enough away from your gnashing jawz, -thanks for being honest…
    and yet, i plant the seed in your head that should you indulge in any friends of mine such as Python reticulatus,python bivitattus, et al, I will telepathically know what you did there, and i will sniffsniff … πŸ™
    btw if you do want to eat snake, did you know we need people to eat the burmese pythons who have been accidentally introduced into the everglades in florida HA ! I lOVE it ! floridians are going on these little boat trips and expecting puny shy alligators sightings and instead a 6 meter long python powerswims past their rickety boat and its muscles undulate and with a flick tHEY ARE DEEP UNDER THE WATER, LOVIN’ IT.
    PS I have been back at and enjoying sixthseal via computer at work. exelsior !! D in Bronx

  17. Darrell: Heh! Yeah, that’s cats for you. πŸ™‚
    Snakes makes for great pets, only problem is when you forget to close the terranium properly and they sqeeze out of improbably gaps.
    Oh, I’ve eaten python before, they sell it as exotic meat over here. I don’t know about the legality of it.
    Heh! That burmese python anecdote is funny, love it.
    Awesome buddy, it’s good to have you back! πŸ™‚

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