PJ Life Arts is showing a comedy play called The God of Carnage and I’ve got two pairs of tickets to be given away thanks to Nuffnang! I’ve always loved the theatre and performances – it’s not “just live movies in real 3D” (as a film critic quipped) – it’s much better than that!
I’ve acted in a play during my high school in New Zealand and it takes a lot of practise, improvisation and quick thinking if you mess up your lines. I have a lot of respect for the people who do this and you’ll be pleased by the cast in The God of Carnage – Lina Teoh, Will Quah, Maya Tan and Megat Sharizal will be the leads in this production!
This is a play that everyone can relate to – the competition, the bottled up anger and the thinly veiled jealousy forms a large part of our daily interactions with others. The script just adds a dose of humor to all of that. You can read the synopsis here.
This show is rated 18-PL so please (as the popular sign on bars go) “B 18 or B Gone”. 😉
Show: The God of Carnage
Date & Time: 25th April 2011, 8:30 PM (Monday)
Location: PJ Life Arts, Jaya One
Ticket Giveaway: 2 pairs (4 tix) worth RM 60 each for two winners
We all need a bit of laughter in our lives. There will be two winners – just like there are two families in the play – who’ll get to watch this for free! The winners will get two (2) tickets each so you can bring a friend along. 😀
Nuffnang will contact you to confirm your attendance and hand out the tickets for this 1 hour and 30 minute comedy. I’ll be passing them the details of the winners from the contest on sixthseal.com. As such, kindly ensure that your email address in the comments is correct so I can get in touch. Join us in watching The God of Carnage at PJLA!
Just share a funny story or incident involving your family by commenting before 6 pm on the 22nd April 2011 (Friday). The two funniest comments will win these tickets! 🙂
See you there!

I have a good one. It was during Chinese New Year in our hometown in Malacca. Our family ate out and we left the restaurant without paying. My father thought my uncle had paid and my uncle thought my father has paid! The restaurant owner did not say anything since we eat there very often and we did not know until the next time we went to eat there. You have to be there to see how funny the restaurant owner awkwardly told my father. It was a embarrassing but funny at the same time. 🙂
I don’t know if this is funny enough to make me win the tickets ( I really want them! *watery eyes.* haha) but I still remember this one very vividly even tho it happen when I was 12 years old. The next day after I turn 12, my mum *cough* ordered my dad to send me to do my IC. My mum told us there’s another place (we call it registrar or smtg is it?) and she told us to go there – according to her it’s quicker, cause not many would go there. So early next morning – me and my dad went and we were the second one there, along with another couple. I remembered so clearly the couple gave us very weird stares, but with me being only 12 years old then I didn’t care much. but what’s even more weird was that when the place was “officially open’ the officer there gave me and my dad another strange weird stare. Even my dad felt like something was wrong but we continued to wait thinking its probably just the officer’s attitude. It’s only when the officer walked towards us then I knew what’s with all the weird stares. They asked us “Mahu kahwin kah?”. Naturally my dad was shocked, and say “HUH! Tidak. mahu buat IC”. ……. And then we were told that it was actually a place for marriage registration NOT to do IC as what my mom claims. Lol. Me and my dad were so embarassed! Lol
HB. well not sure my story which did really happen will be good. This happen many years ago when my now exboyfriend flake on me in taking me to LA for his brother wedding. Got ready everything to go but no show no ph. call voice mail box. My mother and sister Amy and friends so mad was ready to get him when he back in San Francisco.
Mom track him down to his address and time he go in and out of home by staking him. Sister and friends was ready to get him take turn punching with mom but mom want to scare him with big rolling pin . Sister and girlfriends just want to beat him up to teach him a lesson not to mess a family member will heard other members about it. Well of I would not let it happen but show family and friends can so loyal to each when some bod happen and stick together As ex bf he ran away due someone was after him to Florida to hide or get beaten up .
Hai Huai Bin, it;s nice that you share it with your readers. Thank you.
Talking about a funny story or incident involving my family, there’s one incident that came across my mind in no time. It’s actually simple but I feel that it’s interesting.
Once my whole family went for a grocery shopping at nearby Tesco. My mum & I passed by a hanging weighter which is meant to weigh the fruits or vegetables. At the moment, I just put on my itchy hand on it. My mum scolded me for acting so. I just told her that I was testing on that to see whether it works or not. At that time, my dad came from behind. Guess what? He did the same thing I did! My mum asked him why do that? He gave EXACTLY the same answer as I did. My mum just sigh and walked away. Ohya, my dad didn’t hear anything when my mum was talking with me. I told my dad that and we burst into laughter, just like the phrase “Like father, like son.” It’s always in the blood.
Don’t let your wife’s best friend see your wife until you’ve named your newborn.
My dad had always wanted to name his newborn daughter Sonia. It was his dream. He had worked the baby name lists for days, tearing his hair out in great anticipation. It was the most exciting moment of his life. I was their first child.
When the day arrived that I was born, my mom’s best friend rushed over to her side and the next thing he knew, I was named Sharon, a suggestion from mom’s bestie. Not one to spoil the special moment, my dad said ok. It’s a story he shares with all dads-to-be today ^.^
There was once when I was just a teenager I did something that made my mom very angry. She started scolding me and then at one point she blurted out a vulgar words in Cantonese “tiuniamachaohai” which translate to “fuck your mom’s pussy”. I then turn from frustrated to laughing out loudly after I heard this.
When I was 9, during Christmas, all extended families will gather together in my grandmother’s house for dinner, followed by midnight church, and then unwrapping gifts when you come back. One of my uncle (my dad’s brother), bought condoms for his seven other siblings including my dad. Being 9 at that time, I’m not sure what’s condom for. They told me it’s balloon for adults. Why adults? Because they last longer. The other uncle, bought toy BB Guns for all siblings. They start shooting each other in the house (7 of them), imagine a 9 year old seeing all their grown up uncles shooting at each other. Some blew condoms and started shooting at the tough “balloon” that doesn’t burst. That’s how I was raised dysfunctional. 😉
Many years ago, my whole extended family went for a family trip in Pangkor and stayed in this resort. Can’t remember the name of the resort anymore. Anyway, that place was full of monkeys. We were warned by someone (can’t remember who) to always lock your hotel windows when you leave your room or the monkey might climb in and steal your food or mess up your room.
Anyway, sometime around that evening everyone of us went down to the pool to have a dip. On the way, my uncle saw this room with their window open and monkeys climbing in to the room. So he pointed out to us and we all had a good laugh. While we were laughing, the same uncle suddenly realized that it was his own room and the shirt those monkeys were messing with is his own shirt.
So he ran back up the room while the rest of us continued to laugh when one of the monkey took his shirt and climb back into the tree.
Happy Birthday to Sixthseal dot com !
Thanks Cynthia! Appreciate the text message! You always remember! Much love. <3
wow you’re so lucky Huai Bin. And that access card there looks cool! Glad you enjoyed the experience.
Heh! Thanks Eiling! Eh, that’s the previous F1 post la. 😀
Hey man! Racing is fun to do and watch. Cool blog as always.. I’ve read since before the site went down for awhile B)
I started my own blog finally.
Heh! Yeah, that’s the previous F1 post bro. 🙂
Ohh totally wrong one to comment whatever LOL..
Getting breakfast early in the morning ended up going into balai.
Just share a funny story or incident involving your family…
There is a person that his mouth smell so bad that even we sit about 5 or 6 tables away we can smell or know that he is coming or entering the room. Got one time there is 3 tables for us to sit and have lunch and one table is occupied by other staff and there 2 tables for us than i go to the other table the smelly guy want to sit there too than i fast fast go to the last table and luckily there is one table left.
WHen we all sitting at the last table and he sit next to our table we keep saying bad thing about him like how the pretty lady sit next to him can tahan his smell will eating. For me if i smell it while eating i would vomit blood already. And everytime he open his mouth is like a wave of smelly air and the worst part would be when he hug you or come near to you and you will feel like want to run away very far. It get worst each day and whenver he go left everybody will move to the right.
This is not a makeup story! IT IS A TRUE STORY
This happen quite long ago. That time my younger brother was 5 years old.
There’s one afternoon my younger brother took his nap. When he woke up, he walk the direction to the toilet, we thought that he wanted to go to the toilet to pee. But we heard shhhh….turn our head to the direction and we saw him peeing at the dining table. :O
I have a sister which thought she has lost some weight, this is how the dialogue goes :-
Sister : Hey Jing Mun and Eileen, I think I have lost weight.
Mom : Hmm… why ?
Sister : Because last time I feel tight wearing this pants, but now it is loose. I can literally put a hang inside.
Mom : But you look the same.
Me : Maybe your pants has gained weight. It has gone loose due to the washing, instead of you losing weight.
Well, this tells you that even your pants is loose doesnt mean you are losing weight k.
Awesome stuff! Keep ’em coming. Winners will be contacted on Friday. 😀
Thank you all for contributing and joining the contest. 🙂
A funny story of mine.
When I was small, I used to drink the cold water from the fridge directly without pouring into a cup. My parents taught us not to drink directly from it just for hygiene purpose, but I didn’t do it follow cz lazy.
Then one day, I saw one new bottle and I just drink from it. Guess what? That’s not normal plain water,
it was “Sugar” water that to use to make Red Bean Soup. I was like “omg”.
it’s so sweeeeeet…..
=) I really learned a lesson from this, beside raising my sugar level in my body
Having a wiener is great. But having trouble to have it stay flaccid at untimely event has caused me and my family anything but funny embarrassment.
This just happened literally days ago.
My 6 week old baby wakes up every day at 4 or 5am and has a hard time going back to sleep. In order to help my wife get some sleep I’ll typically take the little guy to the living room, prop him on my chest and rock until both he and I fall asleep. A few days ago this happened and I fell asleep with him on my chest.
We were awoken by someone at the door. My kid started screaming from being woken up. I stagger with the baby to the door and open it gruffly. Only after I open the door did I realize that I had a raging case of morning wood in my sweat pants and it was incredibly obvious.
So there I am at the front door holding a screaming visibly upset baby while having a very visible erection. The obviously uncomfortable neighbor at the door started bashfully asked me about the details of community meeting. I let her get a few words out before cutting her off with an “Excuse me, I need to go back to the kitchen” and closing the door.
Having a wiener is great. But having trouble to have it stay flaccid at untimely event has caused me and my family anything but funny embarrassment.
My 6 week old baby wakes up every day at 4 or 5am and has a hard time going back to sleep. In order to help my wife get some sleep I’ll typically take the little guy to the living room, prop him on my chest and rock until both he and I fall asleep. A few days ago this happened and I fell asleep with him on my chest.
We were awoken by someone at the door. My kid started screaming from being woken up. I stagger with the baby to the door and open it gruffly. Only after I open the door did I realize that I had a raging case of morning wood in my sweat pants and it was incredibly obvious.
So there I am at the front door holding a screaming visibly upset baby while having a very visible erection. The obviously uncomfortable neighbor at the door started bashfully asked me about the details of community meeting. I let her get a few words out before cutting her off with an “Excuse me, I need to go back to the kitchen” and closing the door.