Greetings everyone! π
I’ve been busy the past few days with my girlfriend moving in and us doing all that lovey dovey relationship stuff…
…like staying in, ordering pizza and watching TV series.
…and erm, getting groceries together. Haha!
Anyway, I’m off to Phuket in less than 12 hours so I’ll catch you all on the flipside. π

pretty girlfriend!
Thanks Michelle! π
Is she going to? Have a safe and delightful trip… Enjoy yourselves.
Thanks mate! π
Nope, it was a media trip to Club Med, she was in KL coz she had to work.
have fun! π
Thanks bro! I had a lot of fun! π
Have a safe and fun trip! =)
Thanks Charmaine! π
So sweet <3 so happy for you. have fun!
Thanks Snowie! π
I know, I really do like her and I’ve changed a lot as a person in the relationship too.
have an awesome trip! keep up the lovey dovey spirit XD
Cheers bro! π
I had fun in Phuket.
HB, glad you have a trip planed for last entry you wrote of having a studio apt to lived in. It can hard at time to in studio with another person for lack of space. It wonderful you got places to go to and things to do to make up for not staying too much at home.
Well, I like living in a studio, I don’t have a problem with the lack of space despite really liking my privacy at times. π
It’s nice to stay at home sometimes. π
It’s even nice to go on holidays! π
have a blast and take more photos ;D
Cheers mate! I took heaps! π
huai bin, by looking at vickie comment, i think u need save more to buy semi-d house for ur wedding….
Haha! Well, we’ll see if that happens.
Thanks mate. π
handsome couple! Have fun:)
Thanks Mei! π
Phuket was a blast, but the last day was Buddha Day so it was pretty quiet (no alcohol). We were in Club Med though so there was alcohol aplenty. π
have a great trip!
Thanks mate! π
hey HB! havent checked in with you for quite some time and i see you’ve progress considerably in the relationship ladder. Kudos. Since your travelling to phuket why not try myanmar? I just got back from Myanmar quite recently and its a real hidden gem. One of the last few places on earth untouched by time. I know your into that sorta stuff. Would love to share details with you if your interested.
Hey there Brian!
Yup, been in a relationship for a couple of weeks now. π
Oh, this one was a media trip, my gf didn’t go. I’ll keep Myanmar in mind, which places have you been to there?
Cheers bro! π
over the period of 8 days i went to Yangon which was the former captial of myanmar, Bagan the archaeological site with over 2000 pagoda’s dating over 200 years as well as mount popa.
I’d highly recommend Mandalay as well.
Nice π Btw bro, how many gf u had so far?
Hmm…that’s a good question…
Serious girlfriends which I really fell head over heels in love with would be three (3) including this one.
I wouldn’t know the exact count for the more mundane let’s-date-and-see-what-happens relationships. I don’t go for that now. I’m really trying for a serious relationship, and mate, I’m telling you, it’s hard work. π