Shock and Awe

gung ho

I was rather intrigued by this device. It has grown men grunting and groaning. I just *had* to investigate.

This gym-worthy device pits you against a counter-weight that you need to sign an indemnity form to even attempt. I tried it at the default setting and just managed to press it down. *ego deflates

There’s also a harness to test your strength which I managed to pass with a bit of effort at full power. It’s all part of the All New Ford Ranger roadshow which had contests galore, including the main Ford Ranger Challenge.

girl kid

(girl and kid are optional extras not included)

…and now, the finalists has been announced!

The voting phase for the best 5 videos from the Ford Ranger Challenge contest will be held from 21st May to 22nd June 2012. There will be three (3) winners chosen from these five finalists and they will receive:

ford ranger prize

Grand Prize
A brand new 2012 Ford Ranger XLT 2.2L Manual Transmission with the approximate value of RM 100,000 plus merchandise

First Runner Up
RM 9,888 in cash and a RM 10,000 voucher to purchase the All New Ford Ranger plus merchandise

Second Runner Up
RM 3,888 in cash and a RM 5,000 voucher to purchase the All New Ford Ranger plus merchandise

Anyway, if you didn’t win, all is not lost. You’re still in the running for some awesome prizes!

What has that got to do with me?
Well, you have been vested with the power to decide who wins by casting votes. πŸ™‚

Why would I want to do that?
You’ll stand a chance to win special merchandise like a G-Shock watch, Ford t-shirts, thumb drives (I want!), caps, tumblers and so on.

This won’t be a popularity contest so it’s all down to your skills (and a bit of luck) – voters will be chosen at random (50th, 100th, 150th etc etc) and you will need to answer a tie breaker question to win the G-Shock watch.

ford ranger crew

The voter with the most creative answer will snag the G-Shock watch while the rest will get one item from the smorgasbord of Ford merchandise.

Do you feel like your wrist needs a bit of accessorizing? πŸ˜‰

Well, register at and start voting now to get a chance to win that G-Shock!

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8 thoughts on “Shock and Awe”

    • Heh. I think the machine is calibrated for regular people.

      No strength training necessary before doing it. πŸ˜€


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