This is Yee Ling which I initially mistook for someone else. Seriously, you have a doppelgänger right here in KL – there are so many similarities it’s uncanny! It made me do a double take when I saw her at first. Heh.
I got that photo from Yee Ling’s blog – met lots of people that day, had heaps of fun! I also love this photo:
It was taken by Merryn during the ice cream eating competition.
Team Pink dominated the rest of the contestants. It was a massacre, I wouldn’t even attempt to describe it. I do have a wonderful video from Susan though:
I couldn’t have done it without the rest of them. I’m the one with the spiky hair, Serge is the one with the hat and Susan is the girl. It’s a tag team style competition so we all had to be fast. Watch the video – we finished all the ice cream before the 2 minute time limit…and the Baskin-Robbins people told me they would have prepared more ice cream if they know how fast I could eat it. Heh.
I can stuff an entire scoop of ice cream right into my mouth, no problems. I can eat really fast when called upon and competitive eating is a hobby which I would like to explore more. Serge could more or less match my pace but it was Susan who surprised me. I didn’t think we would win without her. Definitely the fastest girl I’ve ever seen in an eating competition.
The prize was 31 coupons of ice cream scoop redeemable until end of next year. Since we had a team of 3, it divided up into 10 each, with +1. Team effort, FTW! 🙂
Anyway, I’ve been a bit busy as of late handling DBKL issues. 😡
It’s preposterous that they’ll do this without sending me a proper summons but apparently you cannot drive on the emergency lane on the Federal Highway.
This much is obvious, but what if a traffic police directs you to that lane during peak hours?
Well, now that that’s settled, I’ll be going back to my one post per day schedule and clear up my backlog of vacation posts! w00t! 🙂

Too bad I was not around – would have loved to join the fun.
The emergency lane? I think I saw something somewhere on some horrible accident because some people were driving on the emergency lane… Whatever it is, Huai Bin, drive carefully, drive safe….and as I always hear on the radio, “The life that you save may be your own.” Take care there. 😉
Hey there buddy! 🙂
Yeah, it would have been awesome to have you around! Oh well, next time you come over to KL then.
Indeed! I got 6 different summons for RM 1,600 for driving on the emergency lane. I didn’t know about the summons and it got Very Complicated (TM).
Finally got a discount for RM 500.
I really wonder how DBKL works…
Cheers buddy, I’ll do that, those tickets were camera tickets from years back. 🙂
sorry I missed your event cos I was traveling. Hey looking good there trying to stuff yourself the whole scoop of ice-cream. What’s wrong with driving on emergency lane when the traffic police asked you to? I always do that during peak hours.
No worries Eiling! 🙂
There’s always next time! 🙂
Haha! Yeah, that’s my dubious specialty – competitive eating.
I can really eat quite fast when I want to. 🙂
I know right! Some of the tickets were camera tickets from years back but some of the timing were during peak hours so it’s a traffic police divert, which would supercede DBKL authority right?
I have no idea what happened, it was very messy. I was surprised at the lengths they would go to claim the tickets unpaid, especially pre-election.
I didn’t even know about the tickets coz it wasn’t mailed to me nor my official address (it was a camera ticket so it should be mailed to my car registration address).
Oh well.
Cheers Eiling! 🙂
I felt like I was going to choke when I saw you eating the entire elephant there!!
I always like the saying that goes – How do you eat an entire elephant?
One bite at a time. 😉
I’ve used it in competitive eating (not so good with stuff like roti canai coz they don’t provide water here). Competitive eating should always have free flow water, especially stuff like pastries, hot dogs etc.
Ice cream is easy compared to that.
I can eat it really, really fast. You’re talking to someone who used to eat a 2 liter box of ice cream back when I was in uni in Melbourne. 🙂
Thanks Merryn! 😀
Would’ve loved to be there too, but Publika is just damn far for me.
I’ve never driven on the emergency lane before, but my father did that once during the peak hours and was flagged down by the traffic police. No tickets were issued because the police learned that my father was rushing in search for a toilet.
So yeah, if it was the police who directed everyone to drive on the emergency lane, DBKL is probably just trying to be funny.
No worries Ciana! 🙂
Publika (6 minutes) is actually closer to me than Midvalley (15 minutes) but I tend to prefer to go to the PJ side than to KL due to traffic.
That’s weird! Usually, the traffic police will divert cars into the emergency lane during peak hours to ease the traffic flow.
However, I got tickets that were NEVER mailed to me (camera tickets) and some of the times were during peak hours – divert times.
However, some were from years back when I was rushing to meet clients and driving on the emergency lane.
Yeah, it was really funny, they way they did it. 😡
Spent 3 days taking care of this issue.
Oh well.
Cheers Ciana! 🙂
There’s always the next time, right? Just hoping that it’ll be in PJ the next time.
I guess it’s due to sheer luck on my father’s case… and do you mean the LDP or NKVE?
It’s the Federal Highway. 😡
HB, I would ended up with brain freeze if eaten it so fast. Love Baskin Robins ice creams all flavors. What your?
Hello Vickie! 🙂
Heh! Yeah, I had brain freeze too and worse still, my tongue was numb for the next 15 minutes from stuffing so much ice cream into my mouth. It was a lot of fun though.
My favorite Baskin-Robbins ice cream is the frozen yogurt (but you’ll never believe it’s yogurt, tastes like ice cream) flavor called Sweet ‘N Salty – it’s an amazing concoction made with sweet and salty caramel with salty caramel stripes and pretzels inside.
I don’t know if you have it over there but that’s my current favorite.
Cheers Vickie! 😀
kinda knew I had no chance when you’re one of the competitors LOL
It was a team effort! 🙂
I couldn’t have done it without Serge and Susan. They were fast too, which is important in a tag team competition like this – there is no bottleneck.
I was surprised at everyone’s overall speed.
It was a lot of fun and that’s what’s important.
Cheers mate! 🙂
Just watched the video – hot damn, can you eat fast!! Your friends can hold their own too but I’m shocked at your speed and dedication. Didn’t feel brain freeze?
Heh! Well, it’s easy to eat ice cream fast. 🙂
It’s not a solid per se so it slides down the throat real easy. The hard part is actually eating it coz it’s freezing cold.
I didn’t get brain freeze but my tongue was numb for a good quarter of an hour.
Haha! Dedication, I like that. Well, I wanted to win this one and I thought I could so I got a group that eats really fast.
It’s a team effort.
Cheers bro! 🙂
Wow…you are really good man. People eat 2-3 scoop at one time, and you only take one scoop at a time. i doubt I can eat like that, can’t stand the cold sensation in my mouth and in my brain. haha
Haha! I had actually calculated the time that the ice cream has been on stage – I reckon it wouldn’t be too solid so I could just eat the entire contents of the container in one mouthful.
Yeah, I can eat really fast if I want to – a dubious achievement, which I’m going to try and apply to competitive eating.
I think it’s the final few scoops that are hard – it’s so cold inside and you have to swallow everything and at this speed, your throat is frozen so it’s hard to get it to work properly.
It’s all good fun though.
Cheers buddy! 😀
Hahahha…this kind of auntie face is very common la. Anyway it has been nice meeting you and guess what? Actually I was a bit paiseh to ask you for a photograph…but for the sake of Arthur..I have to open my mouth and try the luck.
Haha! No la it’s not an auntie face. 🙂
You’re younger than me you know. T_T
Seriously, you look like a friend of mine, let me send you her Facebook profile. It’s uncanny, the resemblance! 🙂
It’s good to meet up with you too! No worries, I’m glad I got the chance to meet you and that we have a friend in common.
Good to know you’ve been to Sibu too!
Cheers Yee Ling! 😀
I really hope you won the campaign though. Congratz on winning the eating competition!
Hello Sherrie! 🙂
I didn’t win the campaign – Vivy (proudduck) did and a much deserved win it was too!
I won the ice cream eating contest for the contestant bloggers though. Heh. I really wanted to win that one coz I’m really into competitive eating. Couldn’t have done it without my teammates though.
Thanks Sherrie! 😀
Aaaww.. so this was the first meet between you and your Ling? hehehehe..