Competitive ice cream eating and other stories

yee ling

This is Yee Ling which I initially mistook for someone else. Seriously, you have a doppelgänger right here in KL – there are so many similarities it’s uncanny! It made me do a double take when I saw her at first. Heh.

I got that photo from Yee Ling’s blog – met lots of people that day, had heaps of fun! I also love this photo:

ice cream eating competition

It was taken by Merryn during the ice cream eating competition.

Team Pink dominated the rest of the contestants. It was a massacre, I wouldn’t even attempt to describe it. I do have a wonderful video from Susan though:

I couldn’t have done it without the rest of them. I’m the one with the spiky hair, Serge is the one with the hat and Susan is the girl. It’s a tag team style competition so we all had to be fast. Watch the video – we finished all the ice cream before the 2 minute time limit…and the Baskin-Robbins people told me they would have prepared more ice cream if they know how fast I could eat it. Heh.

team pink

I can stuff an entire scoop of ice cream right into my mouth, no problems. I can eat really fast when called upon and competitive eating is a hobby which I would like to explore more. Serge could more or less match my pace but it was Susan who surprised me. I didn’t think we would win without her. Definitely the fastest girl I’ve ever seen in an eating competition.

br31 vouchers

The prize was 31 coupons of ice cream scoop redeemable until end of next year. Since we had a team of 3, it divided up into 10 each, with +1. Team effort, FTW! 🙂

Anyway, I’ve been a bit busy as of late handling DBKL issues. 😡

It’s preposterous that they’ll do this without sending me a proper summons but apparently you cannot drive on the emergency lane on the Federal Highway.

This much is obvious, but what if a traffic police directs you to that lane during peak hours?

Well, now that that’s settled, I’ll be going back to my one post per day schedule and clear up my backlog of vacation posts! w00t! 🙂

My first Baskin-Robbins ice cream giveaway! (and more to come)


Greetings and meet my ice cream truck!


I’m kidding, I just chanced upon that while heading to my first appearance. I was at MidValley last Saturday on the 3rd of November to giveaway more than 100+ ice cream scoops in cones and cups. It was supposed to be my first appearance and I’ll learn more from this for my second appearance, which is this weekend! 🙂

baskinrobbins elections

I started setting up at around 2:30 pm and I had unfortunately only brought 1 notebook along for voting. This created a huge bottleneck there as people who wanted to vote got tired of waiting. I shall have to do something about this for the next one.


I’ll bring another notebook to the next session so there will be more “voting stations”, so to speak. It is an election after all. 😉

vote me

I have allocated all of my budget to giving away free ice cream and ice cream cakes. I decided to “get on the ground” (yup, lots of political terms here going on here) and get the attention of passerby’s by telling them about it. Haha. I wanted all of the budget to go towards ice cream for everyone! 😀

br flavor elections

Actually, that was A LOT of fun. Now I know how those credit card sales promoters feel like. I have been rejected before I even opened my mouth but on the other hand there were plenty who heard my pitch and request for votes and actually wanted to vote for me after I’ve explained what I was doing.

voting station

It was very heartwarming to see Sue Ann and Jamie helping with getting people and manning the voting station (which is a grand term for my notebook), even Samantha from Baskin-Robbins pitched in to help – many thanks for all that! 🙂

The first person!

I’ve been looking at the opinion polls on the Baskin-Robbins Malaysia Facebook page and it’s good to see a lot of people participating in that too. This is actually going to be taken into consideration so your input would be awesome!

opinion poll

I voted for Exotic – sea salt ice cream or hot & spicy. It would be great to see more unique flavors in Baskin-Robbins here.

I’ll love to eat a steak flavored ice cream! How about that? An ice cream flavor that tastes like a meal! Heh! It would certainly be intriguing.

…or even better, see something like a limited time promotional flavor for Christmas – turkey with cranberry sauce! Won’t that be something? I bet people would want to try it just out of curiosity. I certainly would! 🙂

There are also other opinion polls ranging from what CSR activities you want Baskin-Robbins Malaysia to do to what kind of promotion you think gives you the best value for your buck. Join in if you want your voices heard!

last family
The last family I gave ice cream to at 5:03 pm!

vote for me

I’ll be having another appearance at Baskin-Robbins Sunway Pyramid this Sunday 11th November where I will not only give out ice cream cones and scoops for free but also ice cream cake vouchers at random!

mini heart

The ice cream cakes are sold at RM 55 each and you can redeem it right there and then if you want.


In addition to the 500 free Junior ice cream scoops I’m giving away, those 30 ice cream cakes will bring the total to RM 4,400 worth of Baskin-Robbins ice cream products (that’s not including the service charge). I told you all my campaign fund is going to spreading happiness. 🙂

sixthseal campaign

…and that’s surprisingly what I felt good about the most – the people who waited in line to vote after listening to what I’m doing and the people who came for ice cream. It felt good giving away ice cream especially when someone told me how grateful she was coz she’ll never be able to spend her money on this. I was touched by that.

cookies n cream

Anyway, if you want some of the ice cream cake action, I’ve got several to give out at random at my next appearance:

Venue: Baskin-Robbins, Sunway Pyramid
Date: 11th November (Sunday)
Time: 3-5 pm

jamie hb sam sue

Thanks again to my impromptu team for helping out with everything that day – Jamie, Sue Ann and Samantha!


You can vote for me at (I’m Cookies ‘n Cream)or come on Sunday for some free ice cream on me. I’ll also be giving away ice cream scoops and cakes on the SixthSeal Facebook page.

free br ice cream

Getting in touch with my consistency since 2012. 😉

I’ll be giving away over 500 Baskin-Robbins ice cream and cakes!

free ice cream

Making People Happy

…and that is exactly what I’m going to give you. 🙂

(yes, even you way at the back there)

There will be no one left behind! This is a new policy I dub CR1M – just think of it as a variation of BR1M (as in free ice CR1M, geddit ;)) to spread joy and cheer during the next few weeks.

Well, as you can probably extrapolate from my vague postI will be running for elections!

This is a different kind of election, but important nonetheless.

I have a couple of ideas – huddle up coz it’s going to be AWESOME for all of you readers of

I’m calling this campaign COOKIES N’ CR1M!

baskin robbins elections

It’s hard living in this hot and humid weather and I want to make things easier for everyone – happiness should shared all around and here’s a simple breakdown on what I’m going to do on my election trail:

  • 30 Baskin-Robbins ice cream cakes to be given out to share with your friends, family or coworkers
  • 500 Junior Baskin-Robbins Cookies ‘n Cream Ice Cream scoops for your enjoyment
  • Limited edition customized T-shirts

There are no catches or hoops to jump through, the premise of the flavor I’m representing is spreading happiness and unity among the people. Cookies ‘n Cream Ice Cream is the embodiment of that – it’s universally loved, a comfort flavor when you’re feeling down and you can come and bring along your friends to share in the fun!

baskin robbins cafe

I’ll even be at the outlet at Gardens for a couple of weekends!

I’m always open to suggestions to let me know how I can make your life better! A vote for Cookies ‘n Cream Ice Cream is a vote for unity! 🙂

I’m will be running against four other candidates representing other flavors and if I win this Baskin-Robbins Flavor Elections there will be a permanent pledge where you can:

Buy 1 Blast and get 50% off the 2nd Blast!

This is my campaign promise and the promotion will be available at all Baskin-Robbins stores during my campaign period of 17th October to 23rd November!

If I win (support me!) this promotion will be applicable for ONE YEAR – every weekday from 10 am – 3 pm! 😀

What’s a Blast?

br blast

It’s an ice-blended drink filled with flavor! I nicked that from the Baskin-Robbins page – I personally like the Mocha Blast. There’s also Cappuccino Blast, Chocolate Blast, Cookie Blast, Mint Blast and Caramel Blast if Mocha Blast is not your cup of tea.

I’m representing Cookies ‘n Cream Ice Cream and here’s a little background about it:

Flavor: It’s vanilla ice cream with lots of cookie chunks throughout
Fun facts: This was introduced in 1985 as a Flavor of the Month. It became an immediate hit with the customers and remains one of Baskin-Robbins most loved flavors to this day. That’s 27 years of glory!

I’ll like to make it even more popular and you can help me by downloading my Campaign Support Kit (sounds grand eh?) here.

Remember to be at the victory party on November 23rd at Publika! I’ll give out more details soon but keep that date locked down! 😀

br double scoop

I’ll be constantly updating on where and when the free ice CR1M giveaways will be happening on my social media avenues – there will be days when you can just come for your free single scoop of Baskin-Robbins ice cream cones, and there will be times when I’ll randomly give out Baskin-Robbins ice cream cakes during the entire campaign trail on my Facebook, Twitter and blog so follow me to catch up on the details of the latest giveaways!


That’s the promise of CR1M – to spread happiness and joy to everyone! 🙂

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