I was down in Malacca over the weekend for the Think Blue. – National Challenge 2013. This is the culmination of the push for sustainability and eco-awareness that had 30 finalists nationwide competing against each other to win the title of Malaysia’s most fuel efficient driver.
Philea Resort is an ideal setting for the Think Blue. – National Challenge 2013. It’s an eco-resort located close to Malaccca. I’ve stayed here before earlier this year as a surprise my better half gave me. Its wooden chalets and sustainable living concepts are perfectly in sync with Volkswagen’s Think Blue. philosophy.
There are five tests in total for the first ever Think Blue. – National Challenge – three of the stations are indoors and and the remaining two of them outdoor driving challenge.
Station 1 was a quiz which had participants answering questions based on a booklet given during the journey here.
There is also a physical puzzle where finalists arrange cubes to the 9 tips for better fuel consumption described in the Think Blue. booklet. This is a time based challenge totaling to 10 points.
The iOS Think Blue. Challenge app which I’ve been playing quite a bit is also one of the tests! The iPad game at Station 3 is where the finalists had to play the Think Blue. driving challenge online. The objective is to chalk up the most distance using the least fuel! Extra fuel was given for those who answer the bonus round correctly. The better you do; the more points you have! 10 points.
Station 4, an orange was placed in a bowl on the Polo Sedan which humorously alludes to the tofu scene in Initial-D for driving fans. This is a physical driving test which contributes 20 points of the total score. As this was also a time based challenge, a penalty of 2 seconds was imposed if the driver knocks over any orange cones. And if the orange (the fruit, not the traffic cone) falls out of the bowl, the driver will need to stop the car, pick up the orange and continue driving – while the time is still ticking!
The final challenge, Station 5, is a 20 kilometre drive at the track with the seventh generation of the Golf 1.4 TSI. This is a fuel efficiency test where every one of the finalists will need to apply the fuel saving tips they learnt throughout the Challenge. This better you score on the fuel consumption, the more points you’ll get. 50 points.
I hopped into one of the cars for the last challenge – it’s obvious that the participant has already read all the fuel saving tips in the booklet. He didn’t use air-conditioning, the windows were up (to improve aerodynamics), he switched up to the highest gear and tried to keep it there, coasting on gradients and keeping the speedometer stable.
The best performer got an amazing 3.7 litres per 100 kilometres of fuel in real time driving!
Ivan from the Events team and Dara from PR were there to guide us around.
I was watching some do better than the others while sipping artisan coffee brought in to the lobby. I must say that Volkswagen always have the best treatment during its events! I was lucky enough to go to Germany with them last year.
Coincidentally, this is also where the winner of the Think Blue. – National Challenge 2013 will be headed! It was a very close one as scores were tabulated and re-checked. The next morning, the winners were announced.
The prize-giving ceremony was held on three different level podiums – the 1st place is the lowest and the 3rd place highest, signifying the fuel consumption of the three winners. This is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the philosophy of Think Blue. – the holistic approach adopted by Volkswagen to foster environmentally compatible mobility and sustainable individual action.
The “winner” is thus the person with the lowest fuel consumption. Ong Ling Kern narrowly defeated 29 other finalists (the runner up was 2 points behind – something he could have made up with one more correct question in the quiz) with Ong Wu Zhuan (no relation – who also got a Samsung S4 smartphone) and Chew Fun Sing (iPhone 5) bagging second and third place.
Thus, as the first ever Malaysian Think Blue. – National Challenge 2013 champion, Ong Ling Kern is off to represent Malaysia on an international driving competition held at the Think Blue. World Championship 2013 in Germany from 6th-10th September.
Winners from all around the world will take part in the world championship by competing against each other in a drive from Wolfsburg to Frankfurt in Germany.
The world champion will be determined based on the lowest amount of fuel used to complete the distance.
Imagine doing that on the Autobahn! I’d love to see them try every possible fuel saving technique. There are some which are proven “hypermiling” (a relatively new buzzword for energy efficient driving) techniques built-in to newer Volkswagen cars like the start/stop system which automatically stops the car engine at red lights.
The Think Blue. initiative by Volkswagen is constantly striving to combine environmental protection with cutting-edge automotive technologies to give drivers low-emission vehicles.
However, drivers also need to play a part in adopting eco-concious behavior both on and off the road and that’s what events like the weekend’s Think Blue. – National Challenge 2013 is set to promote!
Interesting fact: Blu, the Think Blue. mascot is a monkey designed in Malaysia and adopted byVolkswagen AG in Germany! 🙂

Interesting event! The prizes are attractive either :p
Yeah, I found it to be a fun 2D/1N stay at Philea Resort! 🙂
It’s quite educational – love how the Think Blue concept goes, first knew about it large scale in Germany.
volkvagan macam do a lot of campaign recently~ looks great too~
Think Blue is more of an eco friendly concept, a way of life even! 🙂
It’s not just about environmentally friendly practices and improvements on Das Auto on their part, but also about everyone – how to drive better to get better mileage and ways to reduce emissions (and fuel consumption!)
Great challenge. Should apply in one’s everyday life – to reduce fuel consumption…in whatever way possible. Even a little bit counts.
Yeah, the tips that I learned over the weekend is very similar to hypermiling! 🙂
I first heard the term hypermiling a while ago – it’s big in San Francisco, basically it’s defined by Wikipedia as “energy efficient driving” – lots of tips like shutting down your engine at a red light to save fuel, which was proven in Mythbusters of all things.
The newer Volkswagen cars automatically does that for you.
That’s a really good idea to conserve fuel! Only thing is how to enforce it in our everyday lives. =/ By the way, it reminds me a lot of The Amazing Race.
You know, I think I accidentally deleted your comment on my blog….
Yeah, you can do it with your own car too! 🙂
Of course, it’s built into the newer Volkswagen cars but stuff like shutting down your engine at red lights, going quickly to a higher gear as soon as you can etc is applicable to *any* car.
Oh, which one? I’ll go and check! No worries!
I really admire your lifestyle with full of excitement and fun. You don’t need to have a full time job aaa! I want! I must start thinking BLUE now…
I saw the egg! That car’s engine is superb and ssshhh…….
The resort looks nice and relaxing! Are you going to blog more photos of their facilities and rates?
I’ve written about this place before – we went here on our anniversary, it’s linked in the blog post. 🙂
Philea Resort is a pretty nice place for a getaway, didn’t know it existed until this year.
Yeah, the best thing about the new Volkswagen cars are the built-in gas saving and eco friendly features!
must go for test drive at VW one day 😛 i hope i don’t fall in love with the car.. hahaha..
Haha! Well, if you fall in love with the car, you can always buy it! 🙂
Installments can be quite affordable if you want European quality.