We hit the night scene in Penang with Cheryl and Kah Wheng on Saturday night. I had gone to Slippery Senoritas the night before so this time we did Soi 11 – a pub of sorts located just a stone’s throw away from Cititel Hotel (if you’re an Olympic gold medalist shot-putter that is).
Cheryl: Check out the table of girls at my 3 o’clock.
There were a group of three girls on that table drinking a beer tower.
Cheryl: Go pick them up! π
Cheryl was trying to get me to have a good time but I had a better idea…get Simon drunk enough so he would have enough good ‘ol Dutch Courage to approach the girls. Heh!
I had to scull a lot of beers and Simon puked several times (and my memory was fucked after 1 am).
Four buckets of beer later…
I laid down the groundwork by approaching the girls first and getting all their numbers and Simon finally came over when I asked him to take a photo of us. Heh!
It was good fun…thanks for the awesome night Cheryl and Kah Wheng! π
I can’t really remember much after 1 am due to…er, ExtERNal cIRcuMstaNcEs. However, I do remember bits and pieces, including dragging Simon to eat Sup Torpedo at 3 am in the morning.
Sup Torpedo is supposed to be an aphrodisiac and I ordered a HUGE one…more on that (and the efficacy) soon. π