The Big Mac Chant Challenge is the latest craze in town. It is perhaps one of the best marketing efforts by McDonald’s in recent memory. However, I would like to propose a new challenge – The Big Mac Chomp Challenge.
You can probably do the Big Mac Chant within four seconds…but can you do the Big Mac CHOMP within four seconds?
Can you EAT
“Two all-beef patties,
special sauce, lettuce,
cheese, pickles, onions
on a sesame seed bun”
within four seconds?!?!
This is what separates the men from the boys. Watch and weep. π
I used the coupon I won yesterday to redeem a Big Mac and got the McDonald’s staff to clock me doing the Big Mac Chomp. My first attempt started well but Faye accidentally pressed the stop button just as I was taking my first bite so I had to do a second take. It’s here for entertainment purposes.
The McDonald’s crew were kind enough to pour me a cup of Coke after the first failed attempt and furnished me with a second complimentary Big Mac since I ruined the first. Thanks people! This is the second and final attempt at the Big Mac Chomp:
I didn’t manage to stuff everything in within four seconds. I reckon I would have made it if I took one bite (of one quarter of the Big Mac) each second but I nearly chocked on the final bite and couldn’t get it down. The remains are here if you have a burning urge to see it:
It tastes surprisingly good even after being pre-chewed. π
i’m lovin’ it!
A big thank you goes out to the crew of McDonald’s Sibu. Thanks for the support! π