Remember the Choki Choki tubes of chocolates we had as kids? It’s
all grown up now, and wants to be referred to as ChocShots. “Choki
Choki, have some please, Choki Choki for all your kids” this is not.
This is Choc Shots by Cadbury.
Just look at the naughty look on his face as he fists himself to an
ecstatic finish. Puberty is a hard time (no pun intended) for
confectionary too, you know.
Choc Shots retails for RM 1 for five of these brown phallic tubes.
Here’s how it works for people who haven’t eaten an equivalent
candy. Basically, you squeeze it and well…stuff comes out. And you
eat that stuff.
There is something very wrong with the printed instructions at the backs. It says:
Picit ke dalam mulut.
Pencet dan masukkan kedalam mulut.
which translates to:
Squirt into mouth.
Squeeze and put it into your mouth.
That comes with a face wearing a shit eating grin as he takes the
ejaculatory substance of something from a tube. Oh, the corruption of
the fragile little minds out there…
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…but look at the messy load he shot on my papers! I feel violated…