GABA – it’s not just a genre of music (that’s gabba)

I am so sleepy right now. I had a nice, long sleep from 12 pm to
nearly 10 pm but only the first 6 hours was any good…large cymbals
clashing over my face would not rouse me. It might give me a nosebleed,
but I’ll still be asleep. πŸ˜‰ Unfortunately, the increased binding of
GABA to my GABAA receptors and the resulting opening of the
chloride channel to promote the entry of Cl- which leads to
hyperpolarization and inhibited cellular excitation started to decrease
when I was 6 hours into my nice slumber. I’m being intentionally
obscure here, if you haven’t noticed. πŸ™‚


Anyway, I started to wake frequently after 6 hours – my neighbor
closing her door, our floor’s phone ringing, the resulting knocking on
doors and shouts of “phone call”, even the fucking toilet flushing made
me wake up. It’s all good though, I feel pretty rested but still
slightly sedated, but we’ll fix that later with some…caffeine of
course, what did you think I was going to say? Well, I’ll be off to
McDonald’s with my mates soon, and then it’s no sleep till Monday as I
finish up my written assignments this big fuck off coding assignment
which I haven’t even started. I had better get my laundry done too,
before I have to resort to re-wearing dirty underwear. The photo above
was taken outside the McDonalds we usually go to – it’s a mural of some
sort, with a caricature of someone with the Maccas Krew…thought it was
Simon Creen at first, but his facial features do not look the one in
the deco after a second look.

P/S – Thanks for commenting everyone, I’ll reply when I get back.

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