I am notoriously bad with directions. I have problems remembering roads and routes and going places is always a chore for me since I have to account for time spent getting lost. >.< I used to get by with handwritten directions scribbled on a piece of paper after a quick consultation with Google Maps but the problem with that is…
…holding a piece of paper in your hand while driving is not exactly what you do if you want to pass a driving exam. π
I managed to get my hands on the Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10 courtesy of Kim to test out. Garmin – the King of GPS, on a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5.3!
Alright, I admit I have my doubts about GPS enabled phones so I decided to take this out for a spin.
The Good
The M10 includes a windscreen mount so you can dock it while driving, like a regular GPS
The Better
It also connects to the cigarette lighter thingy in the car and charges the phone while you’re using it!
The Best
The Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10 READS OUT ROAD NAMES
“Keep going on Jalan Sulaiman“
Heh! I love the foreign accent in the M10.
Anyway, as I was saying, I used the M10 to get to this Nepalese food place near Kota Raya. I am suitably impressed with the device – it gets me where I want to go, it’s as good as a dedicated GPS unit and you don’t even have to keep it in your car (coz it’s a cell phone) so you don’t have to worry about walking out to find your side window smashed by some desperate person trying to hock your GPS unit.
This is the 5 MP cam on the phone in action:
Jerine‘s stash of por…er, I mean TV series. π
Her early birthday present for me – Macallan 12 year old single malt!
Alright, I know most of you have short attention spans so let me put in point form what I like about the Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10:
- The burst mode – it takes 3 photos in a row. It’s perfect for me coz I take 3 photos using regular digicams anyway just to get the right one
- It’s running on the latest version of Windows Mobile
- As per the above you get the best of Microsoft – Office Mobile. I wrote this in Word Mobile
- Facebook? YouTube? Internet Explorer? No problem – like I said – Windows Mobile 6.5.3
- Awesome Garmin GPS functionality!
- Messenger! Communicate with your friends on the go!
- Geotagging on the photos you take – let you friends know where you are
- 3.5″ WVGA touch screen – no more squinting!
This is an engineering review unit – the Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10 will be released on the 25th of March! It’s the best GPS phone I’ve ever seen – and the awesome thing is you have one less gadget to lug around. Integration FTW, it’s the way of the futureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
All photos taken with the awesome 5 MP cam on the Garmin-Asus nuvifone except the ones which has the phone it in, obviously. π