I make the news (again) – photos in the papers

borneo post press release

The Business section of the papers just got a lot more interesting.
Narcissism season hits early this year, producing masturbatory posts
such as this one. πŸ˜‰ Our company’s press release was published by three
papers – The Borneo Post, Sarawak Tribune and Sin Chew Daily.

borneo post pr me
Source: The Borneo Post, 15/6/2004

The photo in The Borneo Post is the best one – with me in the
foreground. Yes, the pretty boy *cough* of sixthseal.com graced the
back cover of the Business section of the paper today. πŸ˜‰ Go get a copy!

The caption reads: HIGH TECH SERVICE … Ling (left), director Wong
Hua Ling (center) and systems engineer Poh Huai Bin posing for a
photograph after demonstrating the system.

I love you (insert name of the female reporter/photographer that came yesterday)! πŸ™‚

I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.

sin chew press release
Source: Sin Chew Daily, 15/6/2004

This is a candid shot with me and the CTO, Alex.

I didn’t put in the Sarawak Tribune one coz it’s a ghost of an image. We got on the front page of the Business section though.

I know, I’m a publicity whore. πŸ˜‰ Who isn’t?

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