KY’s infamous Christmas Eve house party


I went to KY’s notorious Christmas Eve party on the 24th. We’re each supposed to buy a gift that is wearable and some people took (very) liberal interpretations of this, much to my dismay (explain later).


I present the host – KY and his little chef.

cindy 1

No event is complete without camwhoring at least 10 times with Cindy Tey. Tumpang glamor, can? πŸ˜‰


This is the Tuborg/Carlsberg girl Siao Ling, who sponsored beer. I less than 3 her. She’s the best!

Terence, one of the bloggers I’ve known for a very, very long time and share the same passion for…tattoos la, what did you think I was going to say? We share a lot of common interests actually. πŸ˜‰


I also met someone who has a surface bar piercing done right.

piercing girl

Elfie told me where to go, I’m going to get it re-done soon.

rach molest

Rachel…can you like, not molest me? πŸ˜‰


The gift exchange! Dangerous.

kiss nicholas

I love Nicholas. It’s not man on man lovin’ k, just some brotherly love.


Famous last words: I always drink vodka neat.

siao ling

Siao Ling! Peck on the cheek.

siao ling drink

Siao Ling…

siao ling feed

…feeding me beer. I should be so lucky.


Gareth a.k.a. the ShaolinTiger. I don’t know whose hand that is. Probably trying to check out if Caucasians really have a bigger package. πŸ˜‰

kim absolut

Kimberly! I’m at the Absolut Mango again. Why can’t I just leave the damn thing alone?


Simon who came after work.

me kim

Me and Kimberly again with random people making us drink.

kim saham

Kim! My saham naik! Not on Second Board anymore, getting to Main Board of KLSE!


Zoe. I think she’s a minor. :p

rubber chicken

Rach and The Rubber Chicken.

yee hou

Yee Hou! Much love dude!

nick chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Nicholas.

rach chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Rachel.

cindy chocolate

The Fidani Challenge – Cindy.


Eiling, Suanie, Kimberly, Huai Bin, Rachel. Eiling, I know what you did to my digicam!!!!!oneone


The mistletoe!

cindy 3

The sacred mistletoe gives you liberties during Christmas.

gift exchange

Gift exchange time! We have to wear whatever we picked from the bunch.

chris underwear

Christopher Tock got underwear. Red underwear.

suan stockings

Suanie got lacy panties and stockings.


Reta got a scarf. Lucky. I got a condom, it was from Cindy and I wore it. πŸ˜›

cindy lips

Camwhoring with Cindy has been proven to increase your saham by 42%. Seriously.

cindy 2

Which is why I’m doing it again.


Rachel, that’s illegal!

I partook in the Tuborg Challenge as well…

…and did it better the second time. πŸ™‚

foot fetish

Siao Ling is the (wo)man. Must suck up to her. She’s like the Brand Executive of the beer company. No Siao Ling, for the record, that’s not why I was nice to you, I would be nice to you regardless of who you are.


There are many other photos (some very, very incriminating), which shall not be posted up on There are other channels to procure said photos if you’re so inclined – you just have to know where to look. πŸ˜‰

Comment if I haven’t linked you, I drank too much to remember everyone. Sorry!

My memory failed me at approximately 0200 hours. I don’t even remember going for supper and it was 5 am when I got home, thanks to Christopher Tock, Yee Hou, Nicholas, Gareth, Simon and Zoe who safely brought me home. Thanks all! =D


You know it’s a great party when the police turns up…twice. πŸ˜‰

Fong Lye Taiwan Restaurant @ The Gardens, MidValley

fong lye

…a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. I hooked up with Ringo, KY and Xin and arranged for dinner at Fong Lye Taiwan Restaurant. It’s been over a month and I realized I haven’t even blogged about it until I was browsing through my archives. I didn’t manage to get a shot of Fong Lye’s exterior too, coz the place was closing when we finally left. I have been meaning to reshoot the exterior without the shutters half closed, and went back last weekend.

fong lye interior

Fong Lye Taiwanese Restaurant is a franchise operation that is constantly packed, even late at night when we went. It’s pretty amazing how these Taiwan/HK/Chinese eating establishments can maintain such a high capacity in the current economic situation. The place is literally packed when we arrived. Fong Lye Taiwanese Restaurant has different seating arrangements to cater to different groups of people and we got seated at the corner before ordering our food.

fong lye pork

KY had the Pork Intestines Set Meal (RM 17.80) rated as spicy by Fong Lye. He was seated too far away for me to taste his meal but he thought it was pretty good. I can’t actually remember if I ate his pork or not, since we were staying at the Boulevard Studio Suite at that time and I took advantage of the free beer at the Executive Lounge.

fong lye dim sum

Ringo had the healthy sounding Hot & Spicy Dim Sum (RM 16.50) after most of what she ordered wasn’t available. I remember having some of her dish – it was pretty good, except for the tofu. I don’t like tofu. I’m more of a meat person but two pieces of something I had from her order was great.

fong lye beef

Xin, for some mysterious reason, did not order a main dish at all. She had the Beef Roll (RM 10.30), which we all had a piece so she was left with only two slices. It tasted pretty good though but a tad overpriced for what is tantamount to a souped up popiah.

fong lye beef noodle

Doris went for the Taiwan Braised Beef Noodle (RM 19.80). It is served with several side dishes, like most of the meals. The side dishes contain various snacks and vegetables and makes the presentation immaculate. The Taiwan Braised Beef Noodle is spicy and piping hot, with a rich broth that must have taken a herd of cows to make. πŸ˜‰

fong lye chicken

I went for the Three Varieties of Supreme Diced Chicken (RM 19.80), which turned out to be the best dish of the night. The chicken is tender, and cooked to perfection. This dish is also amazingly spicy, something that always rates highly in my books. The chicken claypot is literally full of chillies!

fong lye chicken macro

I love this dish and would do a return visit to sample it again (despite it numbing my taste buds for a while). Those who tried it also agreed and pronounced it Good (TM).

fong lye dessert

Ringo also ordered this weird desert called Peanut Snow Mountain (RM 8.30) that we all shared. It tasted gooey and saccharine sweet and elicited quite a number of jokes related to scat (not skat, the card game, and certainly not scat as in “go away”). It was alright as a dessert though.

fong lye us

The total came up to a RM 151.35 for five people, inclusive of a beer on my end and drinks for everyone else. Fong Lye Restaurant is a great place that opens till (relatively) late so check it out at The Gardens @ Mid Valley if you’re into Taiwanese food. It’s definitely worth a try.

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