I have been neglecting my comments as of late due to the impending move to KL and was delighted to see a comment from a very, very old friend. We’ve known each other for more than 10 years and he’s one of my best friends. I have been searching for him ever since I got out of rehabilitation – he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.
Heck, even my dad loves him, he invited the both of us to his wedding reception and was the only one who came regularly (every single day!) while I was hospitalized in SGH for a week. He comes from the old skool heng tai (brotherhood) school of thought and has always been around when I needed his help.
He heard I was hauled into rehab from a mutual friend and only knew I came out when another friend told him my blog is back online. I haven’t seen him since 2006, but old friends are like comfortable clothes, it just feels good when you get back together again, and it’s just like old times.
I had dinner with him and his wife last night and he hasn’t changed much. I admire him for his jovial attitude towards everything. Despite being embroiled in legislative issues and non-revenue generating operations, he’s always one to laugh generously and that’s something I can learn from.
Lung, if you’re reading this, you the man. Cheers buddy!
Much (heterosexual) love.